Time-to-Revenue in Self-Driving Cars

Alexandre Villela
1 min readJun 22, 2020


Time-To-Revenue (TTR) is always a hot topic in every Venture Capital firm taking bets in early stage companies or industries

If you are a VC, a Founder or a Business Manager and are a bit frustrated because your company is taking longer than expected to generate revenues, take a look at this graph — it will make you feel better :-)

This group of 30 companies has spent at least $16 billion on developing fully self-driving cars over the past few years — and so far they have little, if any, revenue to show for it…

Success may be just around the corner in this case, as we all hope

The juice will certainly worth the squeeze in this case — Everyday, more than 3,000 people die in car accidents on a global basis

Many souls will be saved when fully autonomous systems are finally ready for large scale deployments — We all hope it will happen soon !..



Alexandre Villela

VC focused on Digital Enterprise, Networking & Comms Infra. Proud Brazilian living in SV-US and working for one of the coolest Corporate VCs in the planet