Alexandra Tara Reade, J.D.
8 min readJan 9, 2020

By Alexandra Tara Reade J.D.

“Sometimes we are just reporting crimes and these don’t have a partisan nature to them…The stories I have reported about sexual abuse know no (political) party…this is about abuse of power ..about corruption…” Ronan Farrow, author of Catch and Kill” responding to a question from Trevor Noah on the Trevor Noah Show
Sexual harassment and sexual assault are equal opportunity offenders.
 “ He is affectionate, a little handsy, you know…”
They also say, “boys will be boys” so much about powerful men when they commit crimes of sexual assault and/or harassment on women that the phrase is part of our collective lexicon.

Approximately, 85% of the time it’s a crime against women (not my stats, check the DOJ). In the case of Harvey Weinstein, 100 plus women (and counting) have come forward with sexual assault, stalking and harassment cases against him.

Now, that is only one powerful man and how many women lives were destroyed by this one man?
I am one of the vanquished by powerful men. It is hard and awful to write or say it out loud but there you have it. I want to believe that I have complete control of my destiny and I did try. However, my career was sidelined not once or twice but three times, because of powerful men that decided my fate. It is humbling and embarrassing to admit this…



Alexandra Tara Reade, J.D.

Writer, Actress, Poet, Educator, Non Profit Management, Former Legislative Aide for the U.S. Senate alexandrareade.com