Tips for new entrepreneurs

Beverly Gonzales
3 min readDec 16, 2016


Are you planning to become an entrepreneur? Are you more than ready to get a business launched on the market, a small one? Are you now at the point at which you are trying to decide which of the business structures available best fits your needs and your business’ profile? If you plan on being the only person involved in the business and maybe bring along partners if things are heading towards the right direction, our recommendation for you is an LLC structure. LLC stands for Limited Liability Company and it is a form of business that combines the limited liability of a corporation with the pass through taxation of a sole proprietorship or partnership. In simpler words, this business structure takes what is best from a corporation and what is best from a partnership or a sole proprietorship and it combines these features. How does this sound like? Does it sound attractive to you? I know it does and this is the reason why you need to find out more on what you need to form an LLC. You need to understand that this is an excellent choice since you are a beginner in which concerns entrepreneurship so don’t hesitate to gather more information on how to form an LLC. You will surely get access to some very helpful information by simply accessing the official LLC University site, a website where specialists are ready to answer your questions and where you are going to find a complete list of the annual fees for an LLC by state. These fees differ a little bit from one state to another and they have different names too so it is wise to access the official LLC University site before you actually get the process started.

The only problem with an LLC business form is that the management structure may not be clearly stated. This will lead to problems if there are several partners implicated and if there is no strict, clear agreement between the partners regarding ownership and the distribution of income, credit, gain, loss or deduction. This is why, if you plan on launching an LLC with several partners, you should all agree on how things will work inside the business as soon as it is launched on the market. Make an agreement as this will surely avoid a lot of problems that can later appear in between you. We strongly recommend you to gather more information on all the advantages, as well as the disadvantages of an LLC company so that you are prepared for anything that might appear in the future. A lot of business owners have opted for the LLC structure while not knowing much about it and they now have serious problems inside the business. You can avoid having such a problem by simply directing your attention towards all the information you can gather on this topic. Luckily, LLC businesses are more and more popular so there are plenty of people who are ready to share their experiences with you so that you don’t commit the same mistakes they made.

