Open Letter From Mayors of Atlanta and Phoenix: It’s Time For U.S. Mayors to Reaffirm Our Commitment to Strong Climate Action

Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta and Mayor Greg Stanton of Phoenix.

Dear U.S. Mayors,

We are writing today to ask you to join fellow mayors during the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting to act on one of the most urgent and pressing dangers to our cities, nation and world: climate change.

We face a critical moment in U.S. history. With an incoming U.S. administration uncertain to provide necessary leadership, we can take up the mantle to be the leaders our citizens elected us to be or let the growing threats of climate change determine the future of our cities.

On Wednesday, January 18, 2017, we will stand together to show our collective support for climate action to protect our residents, our economies, and our planet from the increasing risks of a changing climate.

We will reaffirm our call for strong U.S. commitment to the Paris Agreement —

Through our individual and collective commitments to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, implementation of the Paris Agreement represents a pivotal moment for city climate action and for mayors as drivers of change. As city leaders, we are already working to deliver on ambitious global and local climate goals, and accelerate progress through swift and bold action — that’s because we can’t afford to wait. The effects of climate change are far reaching, and across the U.S., mayors are leading the charge to curtail the growing climate risks. From transforming urban mobility, to building resilient infrastructure, to growing clean fleets and a green power grid, U.S. cities are ready to make a global-scale contribution to protect our communities and brothers and sisters around the world. The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is the largest, global coalition of cities leading in the fight against climate change. By committing to the Global Covenant of Mayors, our cities have pledged to take the same steps that national governments commit to under the Paris Agreement and track our progress every step of the way. We are reducing local greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing our resilience to climate change, transitioning to a low-carbon economy, and tracking our progress transparently. This coalition now boasts commitments from more than 7,100 cities across 6 continents and 119 countries. We urge you to commit to this critical initiative by visiting the Global Covenant of Mayors website for more information and details on how to commit.

We will reaffirm our commitment to acting locally and collectively as U.S. cities —

Citizens are looking for bold leadership on climate, and as two of the 51 U.S. mayors and through the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda, we wrote directly to President-elect Donald Trump, calling for his administration to join us in fighting climate change. Now is the time for ambitious action, and we ask you to join us. If you have not done so already, please confirm that you will sign the Open Letter to President-elect Donald Trump on Climate Action by contacting

Now is the time to act and to work together for a cleaner, safer, more prosperous future. We hope you will stand with us, and the nearly 130 U.S. mayors already committed to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, next week in Washington.

Thank you for your consideration.


Kasim Reed, Mayor of Atlanta
Chair, USCM Transportation & Communications Committee
Board Member, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
Member, MNCAA

Greg Stanton, Mayor of Phoenix
Chair, USCM Environment Committee
Member, MNCAA

US #Cities4Climate gather at the US Conference of Mayors.



The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy

The Global Covenant of Mayors serves cities and local governments by mobilizing and supporting ambitious, measurable, planned climate and energy action.