Birth control is not just for sex

Accalia Baronets
1 min readDec 29, 2018

Let me set the scene for you. Your daughter has come to you and said,” Mom, I want to go on birth control”. You think: Are you insane? I’m not giving you birth control just so you can have sex under my roof you little slut! You’re grounded!

Stop it. Just stop it.

News Flash, birth control is not just for sex.

The birth control pill is a safe, simple, and convenient way to prevent pregnancy. It also has other benefits like reducing acne, making your periods lighter and more regular, and easing menstrual cramps.

The combination pill can also reduce or help prevent:

acne, bone thinning, cysts in your breasts or ovaries, endometrial and ovarian cancers, serious infections in your ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus, iron deficiency (anemia), PMS (premenstrual syndrome).

So, the next time your daughter comes to you and says she wants to get on birth control, don’t slut shame her.



Accalia Baronets

I’m an Autistic Non Binary person with ADHD. Pronouns: They/She Elle/Ella