A Soldier's Whisper
3 min readMay 3, 2016
SFC William Brian Woods, Jr.


My son was SFC William Brian Woods, Jr.

Brian was born on September 8, 1977. He ran track in high school and helped take Northwest High to the State finals for the first time in twenty-six years. As a little boy at the age of only three, he used to tell me that he would become an “ Army Man”. Brian would do just that and he accomplished it to the fullest.

Brian graduated number one in his Green Beret course and served three tours both in Iraq and Afghanistan. He was with the 20th Special Forces group as a senior medical medic for his unit. My son was KIA in Ghanzi, Afghanistan on August 16, 2009. Brian’s unit spoke of him as a man who took on jobs and never gave up until the job was completed. He performed all tasks to the best of his ability no matter how long it took.

He loved life to the fullest! He was a photographer, gourmet cook, gunsmith, and locksmith, to name a few. He left behind his brother, Jesse, his three sisters, Catrina, P.J., Casey and his two beautiful daughters, Lily and Ella, both who are pictured here. His daughters were his life. Brian and his wife Elizabeth lost a son Tookie, who died at birth in 2008. His father passed away in 2000.

The picture of myself standing next to Brian’s sign is at a 5K walk we do yearly for the MMMF, Missouri Military Memorial Foundation. The Cedar Hill Post Office in Missouri is now named after him plus Memorial Highway signs have been placed on Highway 30, numerous memorial bricks and benches.

I became active in the American Gold Star Mothers and I am now the St Louis Chapter President.

I know until my last dying breath I will make sure he is Never Forgotten.

Thank you for honoring my Son!

~ Pam Woods, Gold Star Mother

“We do not have control over many things in life and death but we do have control over the meaning we give it.” ~ Nathalie Himmelrich

We offer special gratitude to Pam for sharing her story with Comes A Soldier’s Whisper tribute page https://www.facebook.com/ComesASoldiersWhisper/ where we are all connected.

A Soldier's Whisper

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