Apps with Good UX Writing

Autumn Kotsiuba
3 min readOct 21, 2022

No matter your profession, learning from those who have done it before is a great tool towards getting better at your craft. (Don’t believe me? Check out Steal Like an Artist.)

UX writing is no different. But I’ve noticed that when you search for “good UX writing examples,” you’ll typically find copy that is trying to be witty, clever, or funny. While there’s certainly a place for that, most writing isn’t trying to be noticed; it’s trying to clarify.

I’ve compiled a list of websites that I check for inspiration, not because they have flashy copy but because they don’t. This doesn’t mean I love every word they publish; it’s just that they have good information hierarchy, a clear voice, and a helpful tone.


Yeah, you knew this one would be on the list. Spotify’s known for being well designed, and their writing isn’t much different. The app aims for minimalism without taking it too far, only showing information that’s truly relevant.

Spotify uses time-specific copy (“Good morning”) and organizes its playlist options with simple terms.

Though they certainly don’t get everything right (there new feature called “Car Thing” comes to mind), Spotify is a good place to find simplicity.


No, Notion isn’t perfect either. No app on this list is. But what they do really well is present settings in a way that’s easy to understand. Many apps have…



Autumn Kotsiuba

I’m Autumn, a Senior UX Writer from the US (based in Poland) who believes that writing is design ☕ Learn more at