Moving People

BCW Global
BCW Global
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

Everything we do at BCW is about moving people. As many public relations and marketing/communications agencies struggle with identifying exactly what they are and what they should call themselves, we are very focused on what our clients need. They need solutions to move their internal and external stakeholders. To engage them, to inspire them, to lead them in a favorable direction.

We know that our business is Moving People.

BCW is a hybrid of public relations, public affairs, marketing communications, creative, digital and content. We are focused on helping people discover the truth; understand, respect and love brands; and identify new products, services and destinations. Ultimately, we make connections that inspire people and move them to “purchase.”

I’m proud to share our new video launched today (narrated by yours truly) as part of a campaign to shout about BCW and how we help clients move their stakeholders.

And, by the way, we also want to move our own people, who deserve the support and inspiration from those responsible for their development. Everyone who knows me is very aware that I LOVE my people! They are dedicated and loyal, they work hard and inspire me, they make me laugh.

The genesis of BCW began a year ago, when discussing with WPP, our parent company, strategies and solutions for the evolving communications industry. The answer was so simple: Joining two great and complementary agencies to create a relevant, experienced and necessary agency for clients. Burson-Marsteller, world-renowned for its public affairs, crisis and change management, corporate affairs, research and technology merged with Cohn & Wolfe, a fast-growing global agency known for its expertise in digital/content, analytics, consumer branding, healthcare and technology. The two were sister agencies and I worked at both organizations. So, our long engagement led to this great marriage!

The new BCW takes a channel agnostic approach, with valuable earned media at the core, to help clients solve tough business challenges through creative ideas informed by data and powered by technology. Today, we have leading data scientists, engineers, storytellers, researchers and change agents among our ranks. And of course, strong public relations and public affairs professionals to ensure earned media, critical to a client’s ROI, is at the heart of our campaigns.

I’m pleased to say that only one year into the merger, we are already delivering on our promise. We are attracting clients who need to move people locally, regionally and globally. And attracting and hiring professionals who want to be moved.

I hope you might be moved as well.

Thank you,

Donna Imperato

Chief Executive Officer

BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe)



BCW Global
BCW Global

BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe) is a new kind of communications agency. Our business is moving people. We inspire action and make connections for clients worldwide.