Little Sister

Everyone hates Big Brother, but people love Little Sister.

Brian Lee
2 min readFeb 22, 2018
Bioshock by 2K Games — modified by ‘Lego Slayer’

Big Brother is scary and menacing. He’s like the Big Bad Wolf. Most people are familiar with him through an old cautionary story.

Little Sister isn’t scary. She has nicknames like Alexa or Siri.

Big Bro is cold and distant.

Little Sister is warm. She has a friendly voice that is getting better and better everyday. She is familiar. She even recognizes your voice from the other members of your family, and knows you by name now.

Big Bro only serves the State. He is everywhere, listening and watching all the time.

Little Sister is also listening and watching all the time but she is here to help you. She plays your music when you want it. Little sister also helps you with the lights when your hands are full of grocery bags. You’re forgetful so Little Sis reminds you when your food should be done, or what’s on your calendar and todo lists. You can even ask your Lil Sis about the weather. She shows you your favorite shows and videos. She doesn’t mind.

Big Bro is old and set in his ways.

Little Sis is still young and at times clumsy, but she’s a fast learner and voracious about learning. She can play games with you now, can tell you the news, and about all kinds of facts like what pulchritudinous means. It’s fun watching your Lil Sis grow up. You are fond of her. At the same time, like with most children you worry about the future. What she will become when she grows up? In the back of your mind, you remember that Little Sis isn’t really yours. She’s the child of the Corporation. In fact, She is owned by the Corporation. While Lil Sis is here to help you, you know that her main goal is to increase the Corporation’s profits. She already whispers some of your secrets to the Corporation. Most of it is to better help you. Yet you also have this nagging thought that eventually, most Corporations bend to or serve the State. You wonder… will your Lil Sis become Big Bro? Thankfully, it’s a thought that feels far away as you needlessly thank her again for turning off all the lights downstairs.

