Great Podcasts To Help With Goal-Setting

Charmel Bowden
2 min readJul 24, 2020


Goal-setting is something that many make plans to do but may not always follow through. The biggest pitfalls with accomplishing tasks are that it can be difficult to know where to start or how to stay motivated. Here are a few podcasts that can assist with developing and achieving goals for your everyday life.

The Tim Ferriss Show

This podcast is helpful for those interested in finding new ways to complete daily life tasks rapidly. With these podcast episodes, something that used to take days, weeks, or months could take only half the time. For example, those looking to lose weight in record time, watching some of his episodes can help create a fast morning routine to get your workout out of the way. By using these creative ideas, people can spend more time doing fun and exciting things.

MWF Motivation

One of the most effective ways to stay motivated towards achieving goals is to hear others’ success stories. On this podcast, the two hosts invite guests onto the show to share their stories on how they became successful in life. He welcomes people from different cultural, ethnic, and economic backgrounds to show that anyone can achieve their goals if they work hard enough.

The Art of Charm

For those looking to develop goals related to relationships and social networking, this is the podcast to watch. The hosts invite life experts onto the show to provide insight on how to develop effective communication skills, how to acquire natural leadership skills for success, and how to come back from a tragedy in life. The main objective of the podcast is to motivate watchers to make the changes needed to reach any goal.

TED Radio Hour

TED Radio has over 30 years of episodes available to motivate watchers to be their best selves. He has been an inspiration to people for many years and has a large database of episodes for just about any goal one could have. For those looking for a well-respected, exceptionally motivational podcast, this is the one to add to your list.

It takes time and effort to develop goals for oneself that are going to lead to a satisfying, meaningful life. These podcasts, all from hosts with varying expertise in the area, can help lead you in the right direction to living the life you dream about.

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Charmel Bowden

Based in Alexandria, VA, Charmel Bowden is a dedicated leadership coach and strategic consultant with a flair for the creative.