Chris in 2017 — the Evolution

Chris has come a long way this year, from a rough idea and some sketches to a fully-formed physical product.

3 min readDec 21, 2017

The first prototype
At this stage, Chris was just a list of applications and some ideas — so the first prototypes look a lot different to the final product. One idea was based around tying string to the steering wheel…

Phase 0

Round two…
Here’s where things began to take shape. Chris was mounted on the dashboard or the windscreen, but we were still quite a long way from the version of Chris we have today.

Phase 1

Getting closer — the Kickstarter launch

This is where you can start to recognize the version of Chris we have today. After a lot of design work, we settled on a circular device. There were a few key differences in materials from the final version, but we were on the right track for launching on Kickstarter.

The product for Kickstarter

The finished product!

We finished 2017 with a finished and finalized device, ready to send to production before shipping out in summer 2018. It look a lot of time and effort to get here, but we’re so happy with how Chris turned out — a premium device that fits perfectly with any car interior, ready to help you on the road.

2017 has been a great year for us, and we want to thank you for all your feedback and support. We’ll see you in 2018, when you can start getting your hands on Chris!

Do you have any further questions? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch on Twitter or Facebook, or leave us a comment on this blog.

Sam Diamond is responsible for Social and Story at German Autolabs.

He likes football, reading and running, and is passionate about making driving smarter.




Chris is the world’s first digital assistant for drivers, making in-car access to apps and services safer and more convenient.