Life as a Commuter Student

Christine Sun
5 min readApr 12, 2024


A fountain on the Seattle University campus during daytime
Seattle University’s Centennial Fountain

Considering I live just thirty minutes away from Seattle University (up to an hour during high traffic), I decided to live at home and commute to school. I enjoy staying home for home-cooked meals, convenience, and being close to family. Additionally, it helps me save costs.

Here is a week in my life as a commuter student at Seattle University!

| MONDAY | 2 classes

6:00 am: Wake up, get ready

7:00 am: Drive to school

I aim to leave my house an hour earlier just in case there is traffic

7:30 am: Study and finish schoolwork

Pigott Building

10:30 am: Meeting with advisor

11:00 am: Lunch with Zoe

12:30 pm: Study and finish schoolwork

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm: Class (Internet Marketing)

3:40 pm — 5:45 pm: Class (Negotiations)

6:00 pm: Drive back home

6:45 pm: Dinner

A white plate with sauteed mushrooms and potatoes on a black table
Sauteed potatoes and mushrooms

7:30 pm: Spend time with family

8:30 pm: Finish schoolwork and get ready for bed

9:30 pm: Read

10:00 pm: Sleep

| TUESDAY | Work

4:45 am: Wake up

5:30 am: Breakfast, pack lunch, get ready

6:15 am: Drive to work

7:00 am: Work

7:00 pm: Drive back home

7:30 pm: Dinner

8:30 pm: Workout

9:00 pm: Clean room and organize

10:00 pm: Journal and get ready for bed

11:00 pm: Sleep

| WEDNESDAY | 3 classes

6:30 am: Wake up

7:00 am: Grab coffee and breakfast with Mom

A latte with heart-shaped foam art in a white cup and pastries arranged behind it

8:00 am: Drive to school

8:45 am: Study and finish schoolwork

A laptop, notebook, and calculator on a wooden desk with large windows overlooking the city and Seattle University campus
SINE Building

12:30 pm: Lunch with Kacie

2:00 pm — 3:30 pm: Class (Internet Marketing)

3:40 pm — 5:45 pm: Class (Negotiations)

6:00 pm — 9:30 pm: Class (Leadership Seminar)

Pigott Building

9:30 pm: Drive back home

10:00 pm: Workout

11:00 pm: Get ready for bed

11:30 pm: Sleep

| THURSDAY | “Break”

7:30 am: Wake up

8:00 am: Breakfast and coffee with Mom

9:30 am: Tennis practice

An empty tennis court on a sunny day

12:00 pm: Lunch and shopping with Elise and Claire

4:00 pm: Chores and housework

5:30 pm: Dinner

6:30 pm: Read

7:30 pm: Complete to-do list and tasks

8:30 pm: Movie night with family and friends (Top Gun: Maverick)

10:00 pm: Get ready for bed

10:30 pm: Sleep


5:00 am: Wake up

6:15 am: Drive to work

7:00 am: Work

2:00 pm: Drive back home

2:30 pm: Lunch

3:30 pm: Go on a walk and small hike with family

West Duwamish Greenbelt Trails

5:30 pm: Dinner

6:00 pm: Finish schoolwork and tasks

8:30 pm: Skincare and journal

9:00 pm: Read and get ready for bed

10:00 pm: Sleep


4:45 am: Wake up

5:30 am: Breakfast, pack lunch, get ready

6:30 am: Drive to work

7:00 am: Work

6:30 pm: Drive back home

7:00 pm: Go out to dinner with family

A bowl of pork broth ramen on a wooden table
Arashi Ramen in Tukwila

8:30 pm: Complete to-do list and tasks

9:30 pm: Workout

10:30 pm: Get ready for bed

11:00 pm: Sleep


8:00 am: Wake up

9:30 am: Church

11:30 am: Dim Sum with family and church friends

Orders of seafood and dim sum on a wooden table
Hong Kong Bistro in Chinatown

1:00 pm: Tennis practice

2:30 pm: Schedule and plan the following week

3:30 pm: Study and finish schoolwork

5:00 pm: Dinner with Sophia, Lily, and Camryn

I forgot the name of this restaurant (oopsie) but it was good Vietnamese food!

6:30 pm: Baking with friends

Blueberry crumble cake

8:00 pm: Workout

9:00 pm: Read, journal, and get ready for bed

10:30 pm: Sleep

This is a typical week for me as a Seattle University commuter student! While each day varies based on my priorities, I still prefer to keep them structured. The key is scheduling and knowing what you need to get done throughout the day. Every morning, I create a to-do list to help me visualize and prioritize my tasks, which enables me to accomplish my goals.

This Spring Quarter, I am taking four classes (one online), and have been fortunate enough to only need to attend classes two days a week. To prevent burnout, I make sure to set aside one day per week for relaxation. This helps me recharge and complete my tasks more efficiently. For me, that day is Thursday. As for running errands, family responsibilities, and meetings, I aim to schedule them on Fridays.

By choosing to stay home, I have the privilege of spending time in my hometown communities, such as church and tennis clubs. Despite the common misconception that commuter students miss out on the “college experience”, I have found that it is possible to balance work, academics, sleep, and social life as a commuter (except during midterms and finals), and still enjoy a fulfilling college experience.

