XNL now available on BSC, Purchase Tokens on PancakeSwap

Users can also earn LP rewards via TokensFarm in our high-APY rewards pool

5 min readNov 11, 2021

Chronicle today has announced a strategic partnership with DcentraLab’s ChainPort.io to allow users to port XNL tokens from the Ethereum network to Binance Smart Chain.

This means Chronicle’s community members will now be able to enjoy trading XNL with the low cost-gas fees offered by the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem.

As of 11/11/2021 at 12PM UTC users can:

  1. Bridge XNL to Binance Smart Chain (and vice-versa) using ChainPort.io
  2. Purchase XNL on PancakeSwap
  3. Provide Liquidity in the XNL-BUSD Pool on PancakeSwap
  4. Earn XNL rewards as an LP in our 90-day XNL-BUSD pool on TokensFarm with our high APY %

Note: Our Binance Smart Chain Contract Address for reference:

Please ensure you are using the correct XNL token contract address on BSC at all times as there are fake XNL contracts operating in attempt to scam and deceive users.


Bridging to Binance Smart Chain

Users can now port XNL tokens from Ethereum to the Binance Smart Chain network via ChainPort.io

ChainPort offer in-app web chat support should you have any questions on the instructions below.

Shortcut Link:

  1. Ensure you have XNL tokens in a Web3 wallet that is compatible with ChainPort.io (MetaMask and WalletConnect both supported)
  2. Open the ChainPort app and connect your wallet. Ensure From is selected as “Ethereum” and To is selected as “BSC”

3. Select the “Select A Token” by typing in “XNL”. It will auto-populate with the correct address as we are already verified on ChainPort.

4. Select the amount of tokens you want to port over. You will first need to select “Approve Token” before it can be bridged and then you will be able to port out your tokens.

5. A second confirmation screen will display confirming that you wish to port your tokens over to BSC. Click “Confirm” to begin the process.

6. Finally, after the XNL tokens have been sent and the 12 network confirmations have gone through you will see your XNL tokens moved to your BSC Wallet Address which you can verify on BSCScan.

Note that the correct contract address on BSC Scan can be found here:

Purchasing XNL on PancakeSwap

Purchasers can now purchase XNL on PancakeSwap from our XNL-BUSD pool.

Shortcut Link:

  1. On PancakeSwap go to the Swap page at https://pancakeswap.finance/swap/
  2. Select the currency you want to swap from (BUSD is recommended) and then in the To box manually copy and paste the correct contract address: 0x5f26fa0c2ee5d3c0323d861d0c503f31ac212662
  3. The name will populate as XNL — Chronicle [via ChainPort.io] and may come up with a disclaimer. Tick “I Understand” and then Click “Import”

5. Once you have imported the token you can begin to purchase by swapping your BUSD (or other coins) for XNL tokens.

Providing Liquidity in the XNL-BUSD Pool on PancakeSwap

For community members wishing to provide liquidity for XNL-BUSD by earning fees on PancakeSwap and/or earning APY % from our TokensFarm LP reward pool, users will need to first stake XNL and BUSD on PancakeSwap.

  1. On PancakeSwap navigate to the Liquidity page at https://pancakeswap.finance/liquidity
  2. Select “+ Add Liquidity”

3. Ensure you have enough BUSD and XNL tokens to provide liquidity.

Note that the ratio of providing liquidity is always 50:50. So for example, if XNL is trading at $1.00 and you want to stake 1,000 XNL tokens, you will need to have 1,000 BUSD along with your 1,000 XNL tokens.

4. Select the amounts and click “Supply” to finally provide your liquidity to the XNL-BUSD pool (note you may need to approve both XNL and BUSD if this is your first time providing liquidity on PancakeSwap)

5. You will see confirmation of your liquidity on the PancakeSwap Liquidity page showing your LP tokens.

Earn XNL rewards as an LP in our 90-day XNL-BUSD pool on TokensFarm

Users can earn XNL as APY reward by providing their PancakeSwap LP tokens (from the XNL-BUSD pool) to the TokensFarm Portal.

TokensFarm offer in-app web chat support should you have any questions on the instructions below.

  1. After confirming the steps above by providing XNL-BUSD liquidity on PancakeSwap proceed to head over to TokensFarm
  2. Select the Chronicle XNL LP Pool (BSC) from the list of farms available.
  3. On the staking page after connecting your wallet select the number of LP tokens you want to stake to farm rewards (or click “Deposit Max” to deposit them all).
  4. Stake your XNL-BUSD PCS LP tokens to the pool.
  5. You are now earning rewards. Enjoy!


Also, Chronicle continues to make things simpler for everyone to own digital collectibles from their fave brands & icons with yesterday’s launch of our APP for Android phone users.

Head to the Google Play store to download, with new functionalities added and more to come. An app will also launch for iOS users soon.


Powered by its XNL token, Chronicle is a recently launched premium quality studio and marketplace digital platform, allowing fans to easily access officially licensed digital collectibles for the world’s most loved brands and icons.

The new home for NFTs covering film, TV, music, animation, sports, lifestyle and more, it’s also powered by its own XNL token, offering unique rewards. Chronicle is constantly adding new platform functionalities, including a secondary marketplace and a range of exciting new utilities coming soon.






A platform for officially licensed digital collectibles and NFTs