With Declining ERP Softwares, Businesses Are Adopting VCA

Cordis Technology LLC
7 min readDec 9, 2017


In the prevailing market scenario, all over the world, there are too many elements required to run business functions effectively.

• Global Presence

• 24 x 7 Availability for Customers Across Various Advanced Platforms

• Ability to Deliver Value to Customers along with Quality of Products and Services

• Optimum Utilization of Time, Effort and Budget and many such other elements

Traditional methods are no more effective and with the speed competition is continuously rising, the human workforce alone cannot help companies in matching the pace.

To run a successful business in the contemporary technology-driven world, businesses started to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.

These are business process management software, which is designed to support companies in helping track data and information pertinent to diverse business departments and other relevant tasks and activities.

Businesses invest in various ERP software aiming to enhance the process efficiency. For instance, ERPs to make back-office tasks efficient and CRM to manage the companies customer database. But with continuously evolving technologies and constantly changing customer behavior, companies are now forced to work with new process requirements. And this is where traditional ERP software is not supporting companies. However, this is not the only reason for the declining demand for traditional ERP software.

Reasons for the Gradual Decline of Traditional ERP Software

According to a report published by BPTrends.com, business leaders no more want to invest in traditional ERP software. According to them, ERP software has had their period of intense attention but in the current market scenario, the demand for all such business management software has gradually started to recede.

Let’s discuss some of the main reasons which are resulting in the gradual decline of traditional ERP software.

• Rigid Structure — Unlike advanced business applications, traditional ERP software consists of a rigid structure. Businesses cannot integrate ERP software with other already existing software or new business applications. Traditional ERP software requires an additional fund to update and to train the human workforce to work according to the new process. Traditional ERP Software is not designed to evolve with the time and changing customer behavior.

• Cost Overrun — With the need for the human resource and infrastructure, traditional ERP software added to the companies operational costs. As ERP-based business software is not compatible with other various processes, many business leaders believe that traditional business software such as ERP, CRM, and BPM leads to cost-overrun. This has forced them to look for modular business management software to enhance the efficiency of processes and in comparative less amount of the working capital.

• Lacks Flexibility and Mobility — Traditional ERP software required infrastructure, the human workforce and also space, whereas, in the contemporary market flexibility and mobility drives the success of businesses. Unlike advanced business applications, traditional ERP does not facilitate performing business tasks virtually. It lacks agility and also does not support in independence to operate business tasks from anywhere and anytime.

Therefore, with such various reasons ERPs and other traditional business applications such as BPM and CRM are losing demand all over the world. On the contrary, business is now exploring new growth opportunities, besides enhancing the efficiency of processes, with process automation software such as Value Creation Automation.

Knowing More About Value Creation Automation (VCA)

VCA is an end-to-end process automation software, which automated every single process and business tasks within and outside the process. Developed by Cordis Technology LLC, Dubai, the UAE, VCA is a user-based BPM software that is designed to give enhanced user-experience to employees, suppliers, and customers.

Incorporating efficiency business models, Value Creation Automation (VCA) is being widely implemented by all small, medium and large enterprises due to its ability to save operational costs, enhance business agility and scalability and lead businesses towards a constant growth.

Traditional ERP Software is Past, VCA Make Businesses Fit for Future Performances

Consisting of a unique design VCA has an edge over many of the other various business automation software. On one hand, where demand for traditional ERP-based process management software is receding, there, on the other side, modular, cloud-based and Software-as-s-Service (SaaS) enabled Value Creation Automation (VCA) BPM software is gradually gaining demand.

The modern-day market system is witnessing an age, where small to medium and large enterprises run diverse business operations virtually. The advanced business management software such as Value Creation Automation (VCA) gives complete independence to customize it according to the demand for new process requirements.

Discussed below are some of the advantages of implementing the advanced VCA business process management software. With these efficient and advanced features of VCA, business is embracing this advance process automation software to gain compete for benefits of technology.

Enhanced Engagement Between Customer and Employee

Customers are undoubtedly a decisive factor for any business, no matter what size it is. Therefore, it becomes imperative to establish a healthy and long-term relationship with them. Traditional ERP software lacked on this part of businesses.

On the other side, apart from helping in making processes efficient, VCA implements measures that can gain customers confidence and can keep them loyal even in the long run. From helping continuously changing customer preferences to deliver true value at every stage, VCA ensures a healthy business-customer relationship throughout.

With automated marketing, VCA ensures that customers get timely information on sales, discounts, offers, new products and many more, through social media, customers can post their queries and get it resolved instantly. This crucially helps customers in making their buying decision. From placing the order, packaging, shipping and until the delivery of the order, customers are informed at every different stage. All these factors, play an essential role in building credibility among customers.

Faster Data Accessibility and Enhanced Business Control

Traditional ERP software are designed for a specific process but not VCA. It is designed to successfully record every single business transaction and report its effects to Owners and Directors in the real-time. It keeps business leaders updated and keeps reports ready for their reference at any given point in time. Thus, VCA significantly boosts the decision-making ability of Owners and Directors.

On the other hand, VCA comes with a visual dashboard that brings entire business activities at the fingertips of business leaders. Based on the 3-tier system, VCA’s visual dashboard serves Directors, Managers, and employees as per their designated role. Directors can have access to entire business data directly on their laptop’s screen; Managers can assign tasks to his or her team members and track its progress right from their workstation, and employees can acknowledge their tasks and also get their queries resolves instantly. This helps businesses in establishing a smooth process workflow. The visual dashboard increases the visibility, which allows Owners and Directors in instant identification and elimination of tasks that are adding no value to the business. Moreover, they can find the resource lying idle and direct them towards achieving organizational goals.

VCA is much advanced than traditional ERP software. It is designed to generate true value for both businesses as well as customers. VCA unifies various features of many traditional business software such as ERP, CRM, and BPM and provides a single platform for entire problems in modern business processes. It combines the human intelligence with technological business model and drives overall business performance.

Based on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Delivery Model

Supports in Reducing Operational Costs — With the wide implementation and usage of traditional ERP software, business leaders across the world are concerned about the perpetually rising operational costs. Keeping this in mind, experts at Cordis Technology LLC, Dubai, the UAE, has developed VCA with cost-saving abilities.

Enabled by SaaS, VCA saves businesses from investing in the installation of too many of hardware and software. SaaS is a valued, well recognized and a proven business model that significantly support businesses in reducing overall operational costs. With SaaS, VCA ensures minimum variation in the companies production line; companies can be assured of completing entire business tasks within allocated time and budget.

Along with the Cloud, SaaS-enabled VCA gives businesses the flexibility to run diverse business operations from anywhere and anytime. Owners and Directors along with other authorized users can log-in through their mobile phones and tablets even on the go. They can not only have instant access to various data and information pertaining to business but can even perform operational activities from a distant place.

VCA Offers Agility, Scalability and Flexibility to Businesses

With a rigid structure, traditional business management software such as ERP, CRM and BPM are no longer helping companies in performing with utmost efficiency and accuracy. But with features and advantages discussed above, modular BPM software such as VCA enables companies in ensuring global presence, in remaining available for customers 24 x7 through diverse advanced communication channels and in winning the confidence of all the stakeholders, both within and outside the business firm — I.e. employees, customers, suppliers, creditors, investors and many more.

VCA integrates every single business tasks, departments and all other channels and mediums to bring entire operation at one platform. Therefore, Value Creation Automation (VCA) results in enhanced visibility and supports Owners and Directors in formulating effective business growth strategies.

