What You Need To Know About Getting a Full Body Wax

Deidre Hang
4 min readJan 29, 2021


What You Need To Know About Getting a Full Body Wax

There are so many different methods of hair removal, but a good body wax takes the cake for the best method. Why is this? Body waxing lasts a lot longer than shaving and sugaring. Not only that, but it’s also a lot quicker. When beach season arrives it’s time to get rid of all that extra fur you’ve been hiding underneath your winter wear.

A full body wax will leave your skin looking smooth and sexy so you will feel more confident for your first day at the beach. However, the idea of a full body wax or a brazilian wax might sound scary enough for you to start looking at properties in colder climates. Full body waxing isn’t as painful as most people imagine. Even people with sensitive skin can achieve a smooth bikini line, relatively pain-free.

What Does A Full Body Wax Include?

A full body wax or brazilian wax is meant to give your skin a thorough cleaning. Usually during winter people let their peach fuzz grow out all over their body, but luckily with full body waxing the hair removal process doesn’t have to be time consuming. Which parts of the body are included in a full body wax?

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Armpits
  • Midriff
  • Bikini area
  • Small of back

This may sound intimidating, especially if you haven’t had any waxing experience before like a bikini wax. With the right prep work, it’s a completely satisfying experience. It is the easiest way to remove unwanted hair and dead skin cells to reveal softer and smoother skin. We can’t guarantee that this will be completely pain-free, but if done right it should only sting for a quick second.

Prepare Your Body To Make Body Waxing Easier

Full body waxing isn’t something that gets done in the spur of the moment. It should always be planned out ahead of time. A body wax doesn’t have to be a grueling experience if the proper prep work is taken beforehand. How often do you exfoliate? Exfoliating is a great way to prepare the skin for waxing and release ingrown hairs.

Prepare Your Body To Make Body Waxing Easier

In order to make sure your skin is ready for a full body wax, you should gently exfoliate a day or two before you get waxed. It is also a good idea to exfoliate regularly between waxes. It will help you keep dead skin cells to a minimum.

It’s important that you go into your full body wax with clean skin. Wax has trouble sticking to hairs when the skin is oily or has a residue of any sort on it. On the same note, you should avoid applying moisturizer on the day of your appointment since it could affect the wax.

Anyone with sensitive skin or a low pain tolerance should consider taking an Ibuprofen or pain killer 30 minutes before their appointment.

If You Wax At Home

When you don’t have time to make it to the salon for a hair removal session, there’s always the option to do a full body wax at home. Not only does this save you time, but it can also save you money too. Before you begin waxing at home, you should know a bit more about different waxes.

There are two popular types of waxes, soft and hard wax. Soft wax usually comes on precut strips and is very easy for beginners to get used to. However, many people seem to prefer hard wax. Hard wax does a better job at grasping smaller hair to make sure none get left behind.

When using hot wax, always test a patch on your wrist first to see if the temperature is right. It should be nice and hot, but not uncomfortably hot. Once it’s the right temperature, you’re ready to go. Always apply the wax in the same direction as your hair’s growth.

If the wax needs it, give it time to dry. Then pull the wax off in the opposite direction of the hair’s growth.

Full Body Wax After Care Essentials

In order to make sure your bikini line stays smooth after waxing, you’ll need to give your skin some proper care. Waxing leaves room for germs or bacteria to make their way into your pores, so it’s important to use a soothing lotion or gel immediately after waxing. Products with aloe vera, Caledonia, and lavender oils are always beneficial to freshly waxed skin.

It’s normal for the skin to be red and tender after waxing, but there are a few things you will need to do in order to prevent further irritations. For the next 24 hours avoid using any perfume or body care product with a heavy fragrance. You should also avoid sunbathing, swimming, and working out because you really need to keep the skin clean and free from bacteria.

