Devops Week News — Issue #155

Devops Week News
2 min readOct 2, 2019


We bring to you all the talks from GopherCon 2019.

In the article section we have linux networking troubleshooting, using a kubernetes based cluster for various services with auto HTTPS, enhancing bandaid load balancing at Dropbox, operating apache kafka, serverless slower and more expensive, and Hacktoberfest started.

What about sharing an article/video to be published in the next issue? Send it to us! @devopsweeknews.

Video of the week

All presentations from GopherCon 2019

Articles & News

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A beginner’s guide to network troubleshooting in Linux | Enable
Every system administrator needs to have at least a basic understanding of network troubleshooting. And the first rule of network troubleshooting to remember is, “Packets don’t lie.”

Using a Kubernetes based Cluster for Various Services with auto HTTPS

This post shows you how the infrastructure is deployed and managed using Kubernetes.

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Enhancing Bandaid load balancing at Dropbox by leveraging real-time backend server load information | Dropbox Tech

Dropbox shares the experiences and results on Layer-7 load balancing (LB) as it is a core building block to scale today’s web services, as well as discussing load balancing in general.

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Operating Apache Kafka Clusters 24/7 Without A Global Ops

The Lyft Team shares their experience operating Apache Kafka Clusters 24/7.

Serverless: 15% slower and 8x more expensive

The first steps to use Serverless.


Hacktoberfest Starts in One Day 🎃🎉 — DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

For six years and counting, DigitalOcean has run a campaign throughout October to celebrate Open Source. This is your time to contribute to an open-source project!!!

Let’s have fun!

We wish you a great week!

