The Markets Overview | V1

10 min readNov 21, 2022

What if A world is not created, its played.

Topics of conversation

  • Citizens of the market
  • $D82
  • Within the walls

Citizens of the market

>[ Collective room

The collective stands to be our open welcome. Upon discovery of the District, the collective room is your insight into our world. We are open to the public and host admins + team w/ 24hr coverage. No token hold is required to enter the collective. There will be an active weekly schedule that will allow every week to be a new journey.

Entering the collective unlocks the following:
- Loki tracker- A personal bot set to track investments in real time with a variety of ends(Set to drop end of November)
- $D82 awareness
- Index access- A personal bot that's set by the founders to track people of interest for there respected ends of being listing
- Access to public release of District 82 metaverse
- DAO voted investments- Stage 1/DAO support tree/D82 Launches
- More to be listed in time

>[ Sector 7 room

Sector 7 will be the 1st Invite only room within the walls of the district. This room is filled with leaders, artists, web devs, Youtubers, and various other trades that express there motions within the defi realm and the District. We have the capability to watch everything and the ones that play will host the highest opportunity during this journey.

Entering Sector 7 unlocks the following for you as a holder:
- Network room
- Access to requested goods for hire from the markets
- Info/business addition to index
- WL opportunities
- Access to bonus pay

>[ E Horizon room

The Event horizon is barriered by collabland and is unknown to the publics eye. Locked by the simple words of, “Souls aligned, both combined, oath of 9”. Said to be lost among the stars, a myth. Only true souls of the District will be able to unlock and hold the ability of what's within.

Gaining a soul unlocks the following for you as a primal:
- Direct input into District launches
- Seat at the table during the metaverses creation, allow inputs of thought
- Private room with devs and team
- Alpha/beta tester pass
- Exclusive voting rights — Stage 3
- More unlocks, unlisted


>[ $D82

The district is far more then a name or theme . It is an ever growing system. With the evolution of, we launched a coin to give fuel for the drive offered to our citizens. This is done in various ways that far exceed just the terms of an investment. $D82 will be used for, passive income, property management, goods of service, achievements and In-World-Meta actions.

>>Total supply: 100,000
-Tax 8/8
— Buy, 7% USDC Reflections//1% Development
— Sell, 7% USDC Reflections//1% Development
— Max wallet: 1.5% or 1,500 tokens
— Max Transaction: .5% or 499.99 tokens

>[ Passive income

At the core to holding $D82 is the ability to obtain passive income in the format of USDC reflections. Tax is set to 8/8 with 7% each way going towards a USDC reflective pool. This allows the investor to have there investment work passively with them. Giving the tax to the people, but with a why to it.

An example of max/min potential based on 1.5%/.5% holdings.

7% of every transaction, buy or sell, goes toward USDC reflections. 7% of all volume generated. Say your holding .5% bag during 100k of volume forming. (100,000 x .07 = 7000) $7000 go toward USDC reflections. You, with your .5% will get (7000 x .005) $36USDC. You just made $36 dollars in hours simply by holding D82. Then even on a 1.5% bag, that same volume will net you $105 for simply holding.

If the district held only 500k volume a week average then that would net high end, $27,000 and low end $9,350 yearly and passively. When you notice some tokens with 500k volume a day and not to mention the deep bear we are in. You see that the potential has not even scratched where this will go in 1, 3, 5 years+ from now for all citizens.

This effect as our foundation stone allows the investor to have there investment work passively with them.

latest data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the annual mean wage for a full-time wage or salary worker in the United States is $53,490 per year or $1,028 per week (for a 40-hour work week)

<[ Tax use cases

The structure of our tax is layered out to offer the citizens maximum benefits from. We decided to weaponize our supply and accomplished this by re-routing normal tax rates through the Reflection rate from 3 separate wallets. Allowing us to host USDC reflections at a 7% tax rate and 1% to direct development per buy and sell action.

20% — District82.eth

20% of the Districts total supply will utilize its passive gain for the following:
- Compounding total supply, Max of 25% total hold
- Burn Token supply
- Host for NFT marketplace
- Payment for games/comps via coin or USDC
- Payment for giveaways Via USDC
- Marketing and branding opportunity
- Support tree
- Launch funding
- LP adds
- Tons to unfold for usecase ends

Overall our top wallet will be used to maximize the opportunity that citizens will be able to obtain within the District by simply holding and supporting the District.

10% — 82.eth

10% of the Districts total supply will go towards the Metaverse creation and the eco of its barriers. Some things this will entail are:
- Development of mapping
- Asset creation
- Server management
- Partnership onboards
- NFT creation
- In world passive net, Announced upon meta drop
- Vr integration
- Much more to be announced in time

3% — Payday.eth

3% of the total supply will be utilized specifically as a community appreciation usecase. This will format in a slew of effects like bonus pay for sector 7. Giving back USDC reflections to someone of recent work. Every Wednesday we host a “Wash” aka payday. A wash is when token supply is bought and sold back to back. This generates volume for a token. The reason why this benefits as a use case is because we can generate our own volume and there for, our own reflections for all holders. In total we have hosted 2 paydays since launch. each stats listed below

><Wash 1
- +483$ to reflection pool
- 1,500 tokens or 1.5% TS washed
- Avg Mc was 70k

><Wash 2
- +962$ to reflection pool
- 2,500 or 2.5% TS washed 2x
- Avg MC was 81k

-The base rate per wash is 1,500 tokens and 1 time cycle per wash. Bonuses can be earned as a community from varying quest dropped throughout the week on Tg/Twitter/other to unlock leading into Wednesday.

Within the walls

<[ Safety net

At the foremost, we wanted to make sure all citizens felt safe, so upon launch we allowed the use of LP to be openly voted on via twitter poll. This resulted in 100% burn of the liquidity supply. Another unknown end is where the tax goes? We solved this worry by setting tax to the people and public ENS/statements of the wallets under our control.

Another end is vet-ability. I personally back myself with my personal project that is currently active in the market and under active construction, Ethscape. Now an active game currently in alpha stage with 1.5years of life in charting. Another end to help this aspect for holders will be the core teams KYC with assure DeFi. That will set to start post Dapp and pre-Meta with our steps towards LLC of our brand post-meta

<[ Partnership launches

Benefits in terms of running our own markets will start with partnership launches. These will be with me as dev/co-dev or as an advisor with a mix of 17 market vetted devs, sofar. The tokenomics and themes will be decided by input of the Nine and voted on by the district. Allowing us hands in any hot take or current wave market wide. On top of this, we will be expanding our Dapp in time to accommodate this DAO aspect on a more visual end.

To further enhance this opportunity, we will host a google forum for any token to apply for, District support. Where 80% of funds goes directly into D82. This support will range from a simple call, all the way up to me personally advising the team of said token with the districts support.

<[ DAO

Power to the people is not only true in finance but in all aspects of life, including speech. We plan to allow maximum power to be in the hands of the holder by allowing a DAO system to governance primary decisions during our growth. Starting off open to all, we will soon transition into the next stage of our voting systems.

Stage 1 of our DAO will be held on our official twitter and public for all
Stage 2, Mid-way Q1–2 of 2023, We will host a NFT DAO section on our Dapp
Stage 3, Q3–4 of 2023, We will host a live vote for citizens within the meta

<[ Bots and trackers

One service we will open to the all citizens within the market is your own personal tracker. This will allow a direct source to categorize and monitor each investment during our journey. Another will be our index, a viewable only bot set to track and list all asset ends within the district. From sticker creators to shillers to billboard contacts to developers to etc.. The index will act as a locker for all vetable defi ends needed, if needed. There are 5 tech bots we will be onboarding as well into the district.

Snippet- Loki, Collective Tracker

<[ Metaverse

The end to our start will reside within the meta. Our metaverse will host a 2048x2048 Map, sectored out with each sectors usecase TBA. This will be created and built with blockchain integration and virtual realm at the forefront. Ranges from passive income plots to buyable buildings in game to brand how seen fit will lay within. An in depth medium specially on our meta will come closer to Alpha stages with a live demo to showcase. Leading into that zone, we will host updates on the development every Monday during our twitter spaces.

<[ NFTs

NFTs will be your gate ticket into the world that we will offer within the following months to years to come. There will be 3 generations of characters to come and generations of digitally ownable plots to come(Own medium to come in Q1). Each with there own benefits that surpass the previous. More details for digital assets will drop in its own medium Q1.

Gen 1 — Characters

Gen 1, will be a run of 9 NFTs. The nine souls of growth.
These unlock
- E Horizon perks
- Sector 1 plot WL
- Oath of 9
- Alpha/Beta tester pass

Gen 2 — Characters

Gen 2, will be a run of 82 NFTs. The 1st gen citizens.
These unlock
- Voting rights — Stage 2
- Beta tester pass
- All activity held within the market

Gen 3 — Characters

Gen 3, will be a run of 8200 NFTs. The 1st District.
These unlock
- Voting rights
- Access to interact with the market

<[ Ecosystem

With the understanding of the player base and the opportunity it will open for you. We now present you the markets ecosystem. As stated previously, $D82 is the core to this planet and there for, the District. Being a citizen takes the wonder of gain out of the question by offering you assurance that you are obtaining a % of all tax. With this, you open Pandora's box with your abilities to explore defi how you see fit. D82 will build the very world that we all will explore. Not by one person, but the many following what there vision and goals are, rather that be investing or building or designing. $D82 Token, ETH and USDC will be utilized within our meta to purchase plots of land and rental agreements. Character customization. “Metalaunches”. Event showings ect.

There is simply far more then what’s able to be written in a one Medium. As a holder, you may expect a deep dive medium to hit each keystone you read on today. Each will drop at its respected time with announcement of progress and all to be chapters of our overall story.

Keep an eye out for our next article to drop and any other important news on our twitter page.

Important links


