Know the Main Basic Components of a Plastic Water Storage Tank

Penguin Tank
2 min readSep 27, 2018

Polyethylene or plastic water storage tanks does not require an introduction. It is the most commonly used water tank at present for different household and commercial purposes. Its popularity has reached a large number of users and a large number of customers prefer a plastic water storage tank over the others. The main reason behind its acceptance all over the world is simply because of its standard quality and price. Penguin Tank is one such example that is offering the best quality plastic water storage tanks at the best price.
There are three main types of water tanks- underground, overhead and loft tanks. Depending upon the space and use, the tanks are chosen and installed accordingly. A water tank has many important components with the help of which it needs to be installed. Let us discuss the most basic ones.

Inlet and outlet: The inlet and the outlet allow the water to enter and exit the tank for daily uses. Therefore its placement should be done at the right location. The inlet should be at the topmost location to store the maximum water possible. The outlet should be at the bottom of the tank in order to use the maximum water. The water needs to be circulated well to maintain the residuals and impurities that settle at the bottom. Therefore, the outlet should ideally be above 4 to 6 inches from the bottom.

Overflow Pipe: It is generally located at the inlet level at the top of the tank. It is required for Freeboard to maintain the air gasp otherwise tank might burst due to excessive pressure.

Drain: It is located at the bottom of the tank to remove the residual deposits while cleaning the tank.

Vent: A vent pipe is located at the top of the tank to release air. The opening should face downwards to prevent any unwanted object to enter the tank.

Level Indicator: A level indicator indicates the quantity of water stored inside.

Sump: A sump is located at the base of the tank for draining.

Manhole: A manhole is an opening in the top of the tank with a lid that can be locked. It is required for cleaning, maintenance, and any other inspection.

These are the most common and basic components of a plastic water storage tank that needs to be checked before getting it installed.



Penguin Tank

Penguin Tank is a water storage tank manufacturer that offers a clean and durable plastic water storage tanks. Website :