Dynamic Search Ads Would be more helpful for?

2 min readApr 1, 2020


1 — Dynamic Search Ads Would be more helpful for? (Read the answer carefully as there are three different variants of this question.

  • A global, online clothing retailer that changes its inventory seasonally websites / a global, online clothing retailer that changes its inventory seasonally websites with / 100s or 1000s of products, services, or listings that frequently change.
  • Moving an ad in whatever direction a user’s eyes are moving or looking.
  • Campaigns that need to reduce exposure on very competitive keywords.
  • A local area based restaurant with a dynamically changing menu ( changing menu very rapidly) offers fresh new entries every new month.

2 — What asset is used to build a remarketing list for remarketing?

  • Custom Metric
  • Custom Report
  • Custom Dimension
  • Custom Segment

3 — What is used to create smart goals?

  • Analytics Goals
  • Remarketing Audience
  • Machine-learning algorithms
  • Customs

4 — A standard Google ads text is made up of?

  • A display URL and description text.
  • A headline, image, and description text.
  • A headline, display URL, and description text
  • A headline and description text.

5 — What scope applies to custom metrics?

  • User
  • Hit
  • Session
  • Events

6 — What do you think which reports are required for the activation of advertising features?

  • Cohort analysis reports
  • Real-time reports
  • Geo Reports
  • Demographics and internet reports

7 — What are the metrics that cannot be paired with dimensions of similar scope.

  • False
  • True

8 — What campaigns require manual tags on destination URLs for the tracking of the campaign?

  • Adword Campaigns
  • Adwords and Email Campaigns
  • Email Campaigns
  • None Of the ABove

9 — What you can learn from attribution reports?

  • When the series of steps a customer takes after completing a conversion, including the information on clicks, ads, and a few other elements of a campaign.
  • How to use the budget for all search campaigns, including limitations and opportunities for more traffic.
  • Each and every other step customers take after completing a conversion, including information on ads, clicks, and other elements of campaigns.
  • The number of conversions the customer completes after clicking an ad.

10 — What is not considered as a default medium in Google analytics?

  • Organic
  • Referral
  • CPC
  • Google




I am a designer turned digital marketer and love to explore the digital world.