A GhostKid Reunion For The History Books

2 min readFeb 24, 2023

In the world of NFTs, few stories are as epic as that of Caleb Noot and his GhostKid NFT. Caleb was an early bird in the NFT space, minting his GhostKid straight out of the NFT candy machine distribution program. He fell in love with the little ghost and built a whole brand around it, but things took a turn when he and his GhostKid started experiencing marital hardships.

Caleb took out a risky loan, seeing opportunity in the NFT space, but things got scary and intense. He was worried about losing his beloved GhostKid, and unfortunately, his fears became a reality. The NFT was liquidated and completely taken away from Caleb, leaving him devastated.

Dogelana got this back for him!

But Caleb’s story doesn’t end there. Fortunately, Dogelana, a Shiba Inu-inspired NFT project, knew Caleb well and would never forget about his well-being. The Dogelana team caught wind of the news and started sniffing around, determined to help.

And help they did. Dogelana found the original GhostKid NFT and returned it to Caleb despite all the hardships. It was a momentous occasion, a GhostKid reunion for the history books. Caleb and his beloved NFT were reunited at last, and their marriage was saved.

This tale of perseverance and loyalty shows the power of the NFT community and the bond that can form between creators and their creations. Caleb and his GhostKid are a testament to the passion and dedication that can drive success in the NFT space, and Dogelana’s commitment to helping their own is a shining example of what makes the NFT community so special.

