Create an AWS based serverless backend in a couple of minutes!

Marco Dali
6 min readJan 11, 2023


tech stack
Node v18 and Typescript support

I’m not joking nor exaggerated when saying a couple of minutes, yes I’ve measure the time 120 secs. Here is the summary of the entry so you can try it and not waste your time.

Initialize your new backend project choosing a memorable name

npm create @durazno-technologies/dzn brujaMiruca

Enter into your brand new project folder and learn how to create a new entity

cd bruja-miruca && npx new-dzn-entity

Generate a new entity with your fresh knowledge from above

npx new-dzn-entity dino dinosaurs “id?:string;name:string;horns?:number;isExtinct:boolean”

The new entity dinosaurs has been generated. You can CRUD your entity in your local machine now using

yarn start

But we’ve made a promise, 120 secs, so let’s skip testing it in our local machines and better deploying directly to the amazon cloud

yarn deploy

That’s it! Now the full story just for very curious people…

The journey to choose the “right” tech stack

There are tens of good technology frameworks out there to choose so you can pick them and start writing your backend, just to name a few we have the Enterprise ones:

  • C# with .NET from Microsoft
  • Java with Spring and Hibernate from Oracle
  • Go, the new contender by Google

After the Enterprises ones let’s present the cool kids; they are not as fast but you’ll have more fun using the newest trends:

  • Nest.js the pinnacle of all the node.js based frameworks like express
  • Django with the batteries included and all the power of Python3
  • Laravel PHP is better than ever so we should give it a second try they say

Among all of these good technologies what would you choose and why? Our decision at Durazno Technologies was biased because all of our infrastructure was living on AWS, we were tired of the DevOps time wasted updating packages, applying patches, checking security breaches, installing web servers, configure the reverse proxies, dealing with SSL certificates and all the stuff related to have a working CI/CD pipeline for every product we build. It’s humongous the time invested, if we measure it, doing all of the above steps if we want to deploy a simple REST API. The conclusion we find out was not trivial, we needed a backend generator tool. As it didn’t exist in the market with all the following requisites that we needed, the decision was then very clear, we had to create it and share it of course!

  • Deployment for new projects should be measured in minutes, not hours nor days.
  • The tool should abstract, not disable neither hide, all the complex parts behind running an API on the cloud. Just like netlify, vercel and heroku do.
  • Export the generated endpoints to config files that can be consumed by Insomia or Postman
  • Working with Serverless technologies is a MUST

Therefore the “right” tech stack for this severless & free & fast & robust & friendly & adaptable backend generator tool was…

Typescript: JavaScript but with types

Middy.js: the king of middlewares

Serverless: development solution for auto-scaling apps

Lambda: serverless computing platform

Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment

DynamoDB: MongoDB’s biggest headache

Faker: realistic fake data

At the end of the day the API that what we’re trying to deploy on the cloud will look like this… with one small lambda function per action, all of them orchestrated by API Gateway which demands an amazon-api-key header to work and optionally a JWT. There are 5 actions associated with the basic CRUD operations and each one should write/read to/from DyanamoDB storing the logs and stats inside CloudWatch.

Architect Solution
The desired infrastructure

Let’s analyze in deep the two commands that the package create-dzn exposes so we can understand what happens under the hood of the library and how it is capable of producing the desired infrastructure as output.

npm create @durazno-technologies/dzn brujaMiruca

  1. New folder named “brujaMiruca” is created
  2. The seed repository is cloned into the new folder
  3. Commands npm install and sls dynamodb install are executed
  4. package.json file is edited, name and author are replaced
  5. Same with serverless.yml file
  6. insomniaProject.yml file is also generated with a default User entity
Folder structure inside the new project
File Explorer

If we import the insomniaProject.yml file into Insomnia this is the result

Insomnia Preferences
How to import the yaml generated file
Insomnia import succed
5 actions successfully imported
User default entity with 5 actions

We can make it work locally by running yarn start and we can play around with our new toy like kids

sls offline start
User endpoints are ready to be consumed
Insomnia Environments
Copy the x-api-key token into local environment
replace my-local-api-key with your generated value
With the headers in place all the endpoints start working
You can edit one or multiple properties at the same time
Error handling work as expected
Response status codes and url nouns are set properly accordingly to RESTful best practices
Dummy data is generated by faker library dynamically when a new entity is created. Changes are not persistent between app reboots. The data live in a JSON file inside the test folder.
We recommend this tool when you want to visualze or manually manipulate the data
It has a neat, simple and elegant interface

Stop playing around. It’s time to dive into the second command

npx new-dzn-entity dino dinosaurs “id?:string;name:string;horns?:number;isExtinct:boolean”

By executing this command we will get an output like this explaining which files were modified and which ones were created

Several files were modified and created when a new entity is generated
Folder structure is well designed so the project can grow with no big issues

Note: A new insomnia.yaml file is generated inside serverless folder every time a new entity is created. You can import this file into insomnia and your new endpoints will be attached to your insomnia project which is awesome!

We didn’t reinvent the wheel

We just put together a mix of amazing technologies out there, paste them with glue, implemented architectural patterns, make it configurable and extendible so it can be used to solve a bunch of same problems-like and finally bundle it all into a beautiful distributable npm package.

Enjoy! We hope this CLI tool gives you happiness & joy and also could reduce your pain & frustration produced by the first time migrating from monolithic applications to serverlessland. We did have a lot of fun creating it and any feedback will be appreciated.

References and inspiration:

