The 9 best MOOCs platforms

3 min readJun 6, 2017


Massively Open Online Courses’ audience are growing steadily and their recognition as equivalent to a regular university is slowly establishing itself. A lot of MOOC platforms where launched in the past decade but not every one of them is worth your time. Even fewer of them give out trustworthy degrees. Here is a list of the 9 most popular and trusted MOOC platforms out there.



Courses on EdX are interesting but can be quite challenging. The courses are probably the best and the most reknowned.Started by Harvard and the MIT, it now contains courses from around 30 universities from all over the world.

Courses are free but you will have to pay to receive a degree.



Coursera offers over 500 courses from more than a hundred universities. Those are some of the best ones like Stanford, Princeton, Bocconi, Centrale Paris, …

Courses are free but you will have to pay to receive a degree.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Everything on Khan Academy is free. Courses were created to be very simple yet rigorous. There are a lot of interactive features to test yourself during the course.



Udemy is the perfect tool to acquire more practical skills in one particular domain. Udemy now contains around 20000 courses. The main difference here is that anybody can create his own course. Which means quality of courses vary a lot. This is also the reason why you won’t get a degree. The price depends on the teacher. Be sure to check the reviews of that particualr course before paying anything.



Contrary to other solution like EdX and Coursera, Canvas isn’t limited to prestigious universities. It contains courses from a much wider selection of less reknowned universities. This makes the courses somewhat more accessible and less intimidating if you want to jump in a field you don’t know anything about.



FutureLearn was initiated by prestigious English universities. It is still in beta version but it already looks very promising. Courses seem to cover wide ranges of subjects.



Udacity’s mission is to give access to knowledge from all the best universities around the globe. They are not linked to one particular school. Their offer is generally focussed on science and emerging technologies. The best solution for those particularly interested in that subject.

Open Education Europa

Open Education Europa

Founded by the European Commission itself, Open Education Europa is fulled with not only MOOCs but also articles on numerous subjects. This platform is surely the one containing the most information. Sadly navigation is difficult and user experience not really convincing.

The Open University

The Open University

The Open University is the perfect option if you’ve never tried MOOCs before. The platform is easy to understand and the courses are accessible. People looking for advanced courses will have to look elsewere.




Hi, I am Eddy and I review all tech, software or hardware, teachers can use to take their courses to the next level.