Importance of Offset Printing in Commercial Packaging Industry

Elena Oscar
4 min readMar 12, 2019


In assembling and retail industry, the business achievement does not just rely upon the quality of the product. The main thing which attracts the customer towards the item is its external look or packaging.

A large number of clients possibly consider a product if it is well packed. A key model to judge the quality of the packaging is the type of printing process utilized. Offset printing has been the gold standard of the industry for quite a long time, with its capacity to print multiple colors for Commercial Packaging utilizing dedicated plates for every palette. These days, there are numerous other printing techniques accessible, including digital technologies.

Offset Printing

This is a multiple color printing strategy, equipped for creating full-color photographic pictures on Commercial Packaging. In this strategy, a plate is made for each different color. The plate is engraved to frame recesses, which hold the ink. During the printing procedure, the ink is transferred — or “offset” — to a rubber blanket, which is connected to a round wheel. At the point when the blanket is squeezed against the container, ink exchanges from the blanket to the container and forms the picture. With offset printing, up to five or six colors can be printed in a single pass. Why pick offset printing over different strategies for printing for Commercial Packaging? The reasons are mentioned below.

Offset Printing is Incredible for Round Containers

With regards to printing on round containers, offset printing beats a considerable lot of alternate technologies. Applying graphics to a round container with the use of offset printing is quiet easy, utilizing screen printing techniques. Offset printing functions admirably on containers, as well.

Inked Plate Does Not Contact Container Directly

Not at all like rotogravure printing, in offset printing, the ink is first transferred to an intermediate rubber blanket. The inked blanket is squeezed against the container and prints the picture. By transferring the ink from the plate to the blanket, and afterward from the gentler blanket to the container, you can get a more total exchange of ink than when you print on rougher surfaces.

Appropriate for Small Production Runs

The plates required for offset printing are inexpensive and easy to make, contrasted with the necessities of other printing techniques. This implies for constrained or short production runs, you can get Commercial Packaging delivered at an economical expense.

Phenomenal for Flexible Packaging

Offset printing functions splendidly for flexible packaging of things like snacks, candy, coffee beans, and so on. Numerous choices are accessible, including the capacity to print multiple layers, and include qualities, for example, scratch resistance layers.

Offset works well on Labels and Sleeves

In case that you need to apply labels or printed sleeves to your products, you can utilize offset to print the labels. As a result of the minimal effort of the printing plates, this is an economical choice.

High-Resolution, Multiple Color, or Full Color Graphics in One Pass

Offset printing is useful for applying multiple colors, consistently in a single pass through the press. It’s conceivable to print photographic quality pictures that can bring about striking graphics on packaging.

No Drying Necessary between Colors

In offset printing, it is not necessary to dry the ink between progressive printings of various colors. There is a drying stage toward the finish of the press, where every color dry in the meantime, by the use of warmth, UV light, or other relieving techniques.

Print Quality is outstanding for Small Letters and Fine Lines

The dimension of fine detail is brilliant in offset printing. On the off chance that you have thin lines in your graphics, they’ll look extraordinary. A portion of the other printing techniques produce lines that look jagged as they turn out to be thin; this is definitely not an issue in offset printing. In view of the dimension of fine detail that is feasible, little alphabet letters are intelligible in blocks of text, even at tiny font sizes.

Color control is great

Proficient color matching systems are accessible; to guarantee that you get exactly the color you want. Offset printing can deliver huge areas of single colors, just as halftone and gradient impacts of multiple colors — all at high resolution.

Numerous Vendors in a Thriving Industry

The offset printing business is dynamic, with manufacturers of hardware consistently enhancing their products, bringing out new ones, and upgrading capabilities. Offset printing organizations are various; with an extensive selection of providers, you will have the capacity to discover one who will give you precisely what you need, and at an extraordinary cost.


Regarding versatility, cost-proficiency and functionality, offset printing still rules among the various printing techniques for Commercial Packaging. However, obviously, not all organizations have an in-house offset lithography printer. You can hire professionals to get the job done.



Elena Oscar

I’m an experienced contributor and Digital Marketer at Pak Boxes. I have completed my graduation from the University of San Francisco.