Making a Snazzy Gift Box from a Simple Scrapbook Paper

Faustino Hammonds
4 min readApr 4, 2019


You may know many different and beautiful ideas for making a gift box. But making a gift box from scrapbook paper may seem new to you. It sounds different. But you can actually make a snazzy gift box from a simple scrapbook paper. You can use your inner creativity and can make wonderful gift boxes. Your gift box wears your thoughts and crafts. You can make many different and unique gift boxes by using your own ideas and craft. So, making a gift box from a scrap paper is a new and different idea. When it came into my mind, I feel like to share it with other people. And believe me, scrapbook paper boxes are a wonderful thing to give someone.

Let’s start making the gift box from scrapbook paper.

Accessories You need for Making Scrapbook Paper Gift Box

The accessories you need to make a gift box from a scrapbook paper are 2 scrapbook papers, glue, tape, scissors, cutter, ribbon, glitter, colors, and paint. You can add and subtract anything from it. It is according to your thought and idea. Make a sketch in your mind first. Then try to implement the sketch. You can make a paper box for candy, gift, toy, stationery, makeup, pins, or anything else.


The scrapbook paper is neat and best for a gift box. It is hard enough to make a gift box. But, if you want to make this scrapbook paper sturdy you can glue two papers together. Scrap paper is also available in velvety and silky finish. You can pick according to your desire. The color selection should be appropriate. Try to buy recipients favorite color. You can take two different colors. And make a contrast scrapbook paper gift box. Now, you should be careful with the size of the paper. I would suggest a 12-inch square paper. You can buy a 12-inch scrapbook paper from a stationery shop. If you already have a scrapbook at home then you can trim your paper to 12-inches. From a 12-inch paper, you can easily make 4-inch square candy box. S., if you want a bigger gift box, you can increase the size of the scrapbook paper. You can glue two papers to increase the size of the sheet. And paste a ribbon on the rough line to conceal the glue patch. You can also paint a design to conceal the joining line.

Take this paper and draw X on the back side of the paper. Draw a large X and make sure it touches all the sides of the paper. Make a diamond shape of the paper by folding all the sides. Fold it according to the X. let the bottom and top folds be open. Your all folds should touch the center point. Now, unfold every side. Now, fold the bottom corner of the scrapbook paper towards the center. Make a small cut in the center of the paper. Now, carefully cut all other folds. Make cuts to the center snip of the paper. Now turn the paper and do the same thing with this side. Now it will give a triangle shape. When you are done with your triangle shape glue it properly. Let it dry first. Now you will see two pointy parts on the edges. Wrap the edges. Fold the flap which was open. Glue the flap to fix it. Repeat the same steps with the bottom.


To make it stronger you can fix a cardboard sheet on the bottom of the paper box. Now your box is ready. You can fix some tissue papers in it to make it soft and classy. You can also put a silk sheet in it. Now your box is ready. You can fill it with candy, jelly beans, toffees, gifts, pins, or whatever you want.

