Changes at StumbleUpon

Garrett Camp
2 min readAug 26, 2015


Back in 2001, I co-founded StumbleUpon while in grad school. It was a product I was very excited about, and one that helped people find content they otherwise wouldn’t have thought to search for. SU became very popular over the years, attracting over 30m registered users as it spread mostly through word-of-mouth.

A few years ago, after co-founding Uber and getting excited about several new ideas, I left my day-to-day role at SU and began working on Expa, a startup studio designed to help founders create new companies. Since then we’ve helped create a few cool products, and have a few more on the way. And while I’m focused on Expa as CEO these days, I’ve never stopped thinking about content discovery, and how it could be better.

So after careful consideration, I’m now finalizing the process of becoming the majority shareholder of StumbleUpon. In this role, I will be advising the management team on the best way to bring serendipitous discovery to a wider audience. Some difficult changes to the product and company will be needed, and these changes will take time. But I strongly believe that systems like StumbleUpon play an important role in helping people discover what matters most to them. I’m excited to work with the team on product once again, getting back-to-basics and improving recommendations, while exploring potential synergies between SU and Expa.

If you’ve used StumbleUpon we’d love to hear what you like best about it, or what we can do to make it better. Just email us at and we will read through them all.

It’s time for a change, and we’re ready to listen.

-Garrett Camp

