How Cryptocurrency Mass Adoption Will Take Place

Jack P. Hollister
7 min readSep 20, 2019

Everyone in the Cryptocurrency space and looking in from the outside has heard of Bitcoin one way or another.But Bitcoin is just the mere beginnings of the introduction to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll’s “The Rabbit hole”.

This particular deep dive will involve having to unlearn all of the years of educational indoctrination since birth. That the planet Earth is not the center of the Universe , or Aliens “Do not exist”, Nor is our school system was a byproduct of control to keep us safe or the system/or the dancing chairs going around and the music playing until it stops.

So what happens when the music does stop? Great question! What if the music has already stopped and everyone is still dancing around the chairs, not knowing that there is only one chair left?Would you even notice?

What do you mean? you ask. How pervasive could this idea be? How much of a deep dive research must you do to find out the truth so disturbing that its considered a taboo?

The idea is,all you have to do is look around? how much debt does your neighbor have on their credit cards,question mark? How close is your neighbor from having to choose food to eat or rent/roof over their heads before they have to move back to their parents, or worse,go homeless. How many homeless do you see in a day?questions…. So why is poverty so prevalent do you ask?Could be no further from the truth. From upbringing, these people were lead to believe to trust their government-that the government will take care of them. Provide a job,healthcare,benefits,retirement packages, isn’t this the reason why we vote? For the most part yes and no,but that fact could not be more further from the truth.

If someone was to tell you that your government stole from you,would you believe them?And the answer would be a resounding “NO”. This is how the 99% of the populace thinks. There’s the Stock Markets,there’s the Governments to protect us,Police in the streets,Bank ATM’s that is flushed with cash,grocery stores well stocked, Hospitals well stocked , Farmers to grow food,abundant jobs,Law and order is enforced,clean water running ,and electricity/oil is abundant.

In a Western society, it is expected that such services are to be heavily relied upon to work. But what if all of that goes away? In 3rd World Nations alone, starvation,malnutrition,famine, hopelessness is a way of life.Imagine turning on a faucet and being grateful for having a bucket gray water to last a family for a whole day? Or having a job to work 12 hours a day or traveling to a far distant country to work, then send money back to their families back home , never seeing their children grow up is a way of life? Blackouts rampant and lasting for days if not weeks.Or worse,No food in the government mandated store shelves as those same governments print the cash to oblivion-just to have and serve their coffers?

When these overworked, underpaid,and oppressed mass of humanity realizes that they are being robbed,they will revolt until the dissent has been crushed and disabled.They will live impoverished in squalors until they find a way to circumvent their oppressive controllers/regimes ,and propaganda machines of lies,deceit,divide/conquer,or worse-Nationalism of a collective to follow.

“Enter The Rise of the Gray and Black Market Economy through Privacy Cryptography”

Never in the history of the planet earth has the governments of the world become more prevalent dire poverty-stricken than in”what we tend to think of as the modern” era. We are truly living in the Dark Ages of governance,where Corruption in all aspects of society is greed driven. Where Slavery is exchanged for money and hard labor is valued for currency at the bottom and at the top is where the opulent prints that money. Never having to look at their slaves in the eyes as they are paid in breadcrumbs,and the one’s on top believe that it is their god given right to Rule over the modern day ‘serfs’ is their manifest destiny to be paid in breadcrumbs. This is the reality of a way and everyday perverse times we live in.

Where those that follow the rules will get heavily taxed and those with power within the system gets to game it for massive gains as the rich get richer and the poor gets poorer.

In some countries, a caste system is created to enforce that wealth and control is bred and continued amongst echelon elite classes to keep the wealthy wealthy and the poor to stay poor, both publicly and privately.Sadly, this overwhelming wealth and bloodline is adored religiously by the public.

“That’s great and all but all of this doesn’t concern me and it’ll never happen to my country”

So what if one day came and your government announces that; We are in a State of Emergency, a curfew has been enforced,Martial Law is Stated,Limitations to money(A withdrawal Limit of $200 a week),shopping only allowed at a certain time window is enforced. Would you be prepared?And what if your grocery store and your vendors run out, what would you do?

In parts of the World like Venezuela,Cuba,Argentina,and Russia (Formerly known as U.S.S.R) has experienced a hyperinflationary collapse. Hyperinflationary Collapses are Economies that have been exhausted by manipulation,propaganda,and corruption down to the roots of its core.

In this economy,what becomes valuable are things that hold their value, like food,water,medicine,fuel,baby formula,toilet paper,soap,guns/bullets,gold,and Silver as a store of value.

In a collapse scenario, a form of barter is created by entrepreneurs, but in this scenario, no one will take hyperinflated cash.

Enter The Rise of the Gray and Black Market Economy through Advanced Privacy Cryptography

Thanks to future innovations as satellite internet and the advent of satellite smartphones. 3rd World Nations are now able to tap into global resources unavailable to previous generations.

Enter the Brave new world Cryptocurrency of a New and Decentralized Private Cryptocurrency called ‘DAPS coin” an acronym for Decentralized,Anonymous,Payment,System:

DAPS plans to revolutionize the blockchain world by merging previous successful, stress-tested protocols into a premiere privacy package.The DAPS chain will feature staking, Masternodes, full obfuscation (RingCt, Stealth addresses and Stealth transactions), and a unique work algorithm named Proof-Of-Audit. The goal of PoA is to maintain the Trustless standard of public blockchains, while being able to utilize end-to-end obfuscation. DAPS Coin hopes to introduce a new standard of Trustless governance, able to be expanded to other chains.Free from all Government control.

With Dapscoin’s Maximum supply of 60Billion priced at $0.000358 USD at the moment this article is written. We could surmise that one Daps coin is cheap enough to be pegged to US sanctioned country-currencies and will be cheap enough to send funds anonymously to serve that underserved economically hit hard lower end of the populous.

“In Dictatorship run countries, the food aid goes to the Ruler that subdues the ruling fearing populace and the aid never makes it to women and children”

The food and aid of a sanctioned country is distributed to the militia troops, to further empower the corrupt ruler committing mass genocide as propaganda against sanctions is intensified/ greatly exacerbated.Where the innocent becomes collateral Trade damage and a casualty of a trade War.

With a Fully Private Hybrid Blockchain Wallet easily downloaded on an App anywhere around the world, one can easily transact DAPS privately between persons for purchase and selling of basic needs,goods, and necessities from sender to receiver,while keeping the peg value of multiple currencies to cross border lines. Indeed the far reaching implications of DAPS crosses Sanctioned lines to stop wide-spread hunger and mass genocide.

The Black and Gray Market is estimated to be worth 10 Trillion USD in Market Cap valuation: a valuable tool to fight corruption down to its core and empower the oppressed. When the Entrepreneurs decide to transact for goods across enemy lines and DAPS becomes the means of holding value crossborder privately will there be the second coming of the next Bitcoin/DAPs passing of the baton to pick up the mantle against sinister rulers/criminals against humanity.

Beware, A silent Revolution is coming. A Revolution called “Daps” will not be televised. Instead, it will be a true Revolution in the hands of the people and by the people through their buying power- in order to willingly transact with each other in a Private Economy.

Perhaps, Crypto Mass adoption does not take place in a wealthy nation,but in a country stricken by anger, desperation ,and hunger for revolution is how a Cryptocurrency mass-Adoption will take place in;

-In the Privacy of dissent.

#PrivacyISaRIGHT #DAPSisComing


