What’s Next..

Eugene Borukhovich
2 min readFeb 10, 2020


I have been overwhelmed by the tremendous feedback on my post about leaving Bayer and humbled by both public, but also countless private messages asking about “what is next...”. As my post said, I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Bayer, getting to know hundreds upon hundreds of passionate individuals around the world and certainly have many lessons learned, but will save those for another post :)

Photo by Bruno Bergher on Unsplash

So what’s next..

As a mentor once told me:

Two things matter most: Impact and Fun and part of fun is learning..

So when I decided to leave Bayer, it was also a decision to apply this filter going forward and hence the Executive Summary of what’s next…

80% of Time: Chairman & Founding Board Member of YourCoach

It should not come as a surprise that I will switch my hat again from intrapreneurship to entrepreneurship and will join my amazing wife at YourCoach Health as we are in the midst of closing a seed round to take YourCoach from product-user-fit to market-fit validation. YourCoach is a practice management solution for a fast growing long-tail of health coaches, but there is much more to it :) … We truly believe that health coaches already are and will continue becoming the real front lines of health.

20% of Time: Founder at Initium Impact Ventures

I am humbled that so many of you around the world reached out already either for advisory roles or to help solve some challenges, so here are 3 ways I can help:

  1. Speaking engagements: whether it’s an internal corporate meeting or a conference, i am always happy to share what I have learned.
  2. Help you find the problem statement with your team in laser focused, brutally honest and intense sessions.
  3. I will never pretend I can do things alone — it always takes a team. So if the challenge is impactful enough, I can help you build a cross-expertise team to solve the challenges at hand

I will be doing this as Initium Impact Ventures (TBD on where it will be incorporated but in the meantime you can schedule a 20 minute meeting to understand more .. :)

Thank you all and hoping we cross paths in 2020 and beyond.



Eugene Borukhovich

Serial Intra & Entrepreneur, Founding Board Member of YourCoach Health , Health 2.0 NYC & AMS & DUS, Husband, Father to 2 gr8 girls. Views always my own!