
Grecia Garcia
1 min readOct 22, 2015


“The significance of our lives and our fragile realm derives from our own wisdom and courage” — Carl Sagan

Macrocosm is an online art auction to help those in need.

I was first diagnosed with cancer in 2009 at eighteen. Ever since, I’ve wanted to create something to give back to people that are struggling with this disease.

Last summer I found out that I’d be battling cancer again, now living in a different country, away from most of my family and friends. I’ve received so much support from my community of online friends and artists, with many suggested donating art for an auction.

This first chapter of Macrocosm will feature fifty artists, and the raised funds are going to help my family with their expenses when they come to visit and care for me.

If this auction is successful, I hope to turn Macrocosm into a larger effort for turning art into assistance.

What is life for you? Life is. It isn’t slow or quick. It is not good or bad. The combination of our own life’s perception turns it into a reality. Help us build a better one.

Please follow @macrocosmgives for updates.

