On the sad sate of
space exploration or
am I just impatient

Let us dream bold, think far and wander widely

2 min readMay 29, 2015

We get hyped for that new smartphone with even rounder roundness.
We complain about the offending lack of wifi at every corner.
We stand in line for the new, thinner laptop.

Is this all we care about ?
Isn’t there something beyond this superficial and useless ?
Let us dream of something bold!

NASA’s budget is cut yet again and some people aren’t even sure about this whole global warming argument. We can upgrade our smartphones every 12 months and processors every 18 months; but where are the upgrades to satellites and rockets ?
Space technology advances sluggishly.

Shouldn’t we get excited more often? Rosetta was amazing and so is the new Espresso Machine on the International Space Station. But is that all?

Can you take a ride on a space elevator, fly a research drone on Venus or control a robot to hug lonely Pluto. Why is there only one space station?
Where are the news about humans on Mars, virtual reality tours of Jupiter’s moons and robot colonies on unknown planets.

Have we lost the spirit to explore and seek adventure?

Let us advance space science and exploration.
Let us unite our enthusiasm for the future.
Let us share the love for outer space and everything along the way.

Whether you are interested in flying into outer space yourself or
prefer sending robotic sensing devices out into the wild.

Whether you are amazed by the technology to make it possible, such as reusable rockets , the EM drive or the Space Elevator.
Or you may have never heard of anything above, but you enjoy thinking about the effects on our society and economy? What will happen with our civilisation when we will become a multi planetary species?

Are you more attracted to making money mining massive asteroids.
Then go hunt, secure and drag the materials back to Earth.

Dream bold and listen to the inspiring thoughts of explorers like Neil deGrasse Tyson and Bill Nye. Think far like scientific masterminds such as Michio Kaku and economic managers, driven by the same energy, like Elon Musk and Peter Diamandis. Wander widely and follow the example of organizations like the PlanetarySociety with their LightSail.

Let us dream bold, think far and wander widely.

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