The Beginner’s Guide to investFeed

3 min readJul 19, 2017


In the investFeed whitepaper we describe ourselves as:

“An Incentivized Next-Generation Social Investment Network for Cryptocurrencies”

For those new to cryptocurrencies, or social investing, we thought we’d take a moment to unpack just what that description means.

Starting off with “Incentivized” — we discussed in a previous post how we see investFeed democratizing social media, and that concept of democracy is fueled by incentives that go to directly our community members. The investFeed community will be rewarded by other members for creating fantastic content and uplifting the knowledge base and skills of the user group as a whole. The motivation or incentive for content creators to put the work into posting great material will be rewards in the form of FEED ($IFT) from the community. FEED is the investFeed cryptographic token that will form the underpin of the investFeed platform economy.

For some of our more nostalgic readers, “Next-Generation” may have you thinking of Star Trek’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise setting off to “boldly go where no man has gone before” and to some extent, that same sentiment of exploration is true for investFeed. Investing in cryptocurrencies is uncharted territory and a “strange new world” for many! It is our aim that the platform will be the hub for experienced crypto-traders and newbies alike. We believe that cryptocurrencies will appeal to the growing generation of Millennial investors. Our platform provides the knowledge and tools for next-generation investing, for the next-generation of investors.

Social investing is also a relatively new concept for many. It has been borne out of the frustration with financial services providers who tend to have motives beyond, “what is best for the client”. When you are unsure why an adviser or a financial institution is recommending an investment product, it is sometimes easier to steer clear and not invest. However, we believe investing is a key component of ensuring your own financial security and that of your family and community. Social investing means discussing investment philosophy, strategies, tips, hot new picks, deep research, market sentiment and all investment-related thoughts with a community of your peers. The investFeed platform will have a plethora of rich features for social interaction and engagement.

That brings us finally to cryptocurrencies. Much has been written about the rise of cryptocurrencies and there are lovers and haters out there! If you dig through the sentiment, one thing becomes clear. There is almost no-one who hates blockchain. There is absolute recognition that decentralized databases and smart contracts have the ability to revolutionize many business processes in financial services, healthcare, logistics, and multiple other industries where trust is key to transacting. Almost daily we see reports of the largest players in the financial services industry implementing blockchain technology into new products and processes. Cryptocurrencies are the medium of exchange that sits on top of the blockchain.

Ethereum is an increasingly popular blockchain system which has its own native currency Ether (ETH). On the investFeed platform, our FEED Token will be of a standardized ERC20 form. This means FEED will follow a set of rules for Ethereum tokens allowing these tokens to “work” within the Ethereum system and with digital wallets that support Ether. The investFeed Token Sale is taking contributions in Ether which will be converted to FEED instantly and transferable after the crowd sale closes.

We would love to hear from you and answer more of your questions on investFeed, FEED Tokens, our token sale, our platform functionality and our goals for the future.

Please engage with us via these social channels:

Our general token sale begins on July 23rd at 9AM UTC and ends on August 7th at 9AM UTC.




investFeed is the first incentivized next-generation social investment network for cryptocurrencies.