Chinese has become a Favorite Foreign Language for Pakistanis

2 min readOct 3, 2019

Nowadays, many Pakistanis consider learning Chinese/Mandarin language to find a promising career in CPEC projects.

CPEC — China Pakistan Economic Corridor constitutes a billion-dollar industry that is going to change the economic situation in Pakistan. For the same reason, young graduates and job seekers are suddenly keen to learn the Chinese language via short courses.

A few years back, there were not many institutions of modern languages that offered a professional Chinese language course. Back then, these courses only catered to people who wanted to get familiar with the Chinese culture and language and someone who wanted to go to China for educational or job purposes.

Now you see many billboards at roadsides with titles like “Chinese language course in 8 weeks” and “Quick Chinese language course”. It means the interest in learning the Chinese language is spreading in common people as well.

CPEC Brings Career Opportunities

CPEC initiative is certainly a trade route but it shows great potential for local educated and skillful individuals to use their skills in the best of interest. China is doing investment in Pakistan; therefore, without learning the Chinese language, one cannot find job prospects there.

With the investment of around $46 billion, this project has the potential to open hundreds of gateways in terms of new investments. Certainly, Pakistan’s influence over South Asia will increase.

Learn the Chinese Language

CPEC is in its development stage and we are expecting good things from it. That time is not far away when we will be able to see the fruits of this investment.

Job seekers will not only get hundreds of job opportunities but also start a business of their own. All of these dreams can come true only when you learn the Chinese language.

Therefore, if anyone around you considers learning a foreign language, you must convince him that it has to be Chinese/Mandarin.

Many Chinese language short courses in Lahore are being offered, and you can enroll in them to be fluent in one of the most widely spoken language.

IPS Unit of Education offers quick Chinese language courses comprised of different levels i.e. for beginners to expert.

If you are interested in learning the Chinese language with a qualified instructor, contact us now.




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