19: Multisport Endurance Athlete and Coach Dwight Upshaw on Burnout and Progression

Jason Blevins
3 min readMar 3, 2016


I know many of you will relate to today’s guest.

You’re go, go, go all the time.

You’re constantly pushing your limits and reaching for that new personal record.

And nothing’s going to stand in your way, right?

It doesn’t matter if you only got three hours of sleep last night.

You’re training today!

But it does matter.

Your progress won’t be the same if you don’t rest and recover like you should.

You might even regress and burnout.

If you have that Type A mentality of do more, always, and struggle to take time off, you need to listen to today’s episode with Dwight Upshaw.

Dwight Upshaw is head coach at Crossfit Sanitas in Boulder, CO, and has nearly 10 years as a multi-sport endurance coach, leading multiple athletes to Boston qualifying times as well as top 10 Triathlon finishes (from sprints to Iron Man).

“I know what drives performance. I know you feel like there are so many things to get done at all times. But take a step back and think about what really drives progress. It’s quality training with correct recovery, volume at the right time, not all the time.”

Dwight comes from a family of athletes.

He was swimming, playing baseball, soccer, and track all before the age of ten.

Some questions I ask:

How has burnout changed your approach to fitness?

Is there anything that people ignore when it comes to Crossfit or that they should focus on more?

How do you get people to follow your advice?

What’s your take on nutrition?

Final Round

Morning Routine: Up at 5:30 Am, feed and walk the dogs, make my coffee and go to the gym

Favorite Quote: From my grandfather, “live with enthusiasm and don’t do anything half ass.”

Who Inspires You: My grandfather

What’s The Best Advice You’ve Ever Received: Always do the right thing

What Do Your Days Off Look Like: I have to force myself to be lazy, take naps and watch football.

What Book Would You Recommend: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

What Advice Would You Give Your Younger Self: Save more money, travel more and start Crossfit sooner

Do You Have a Favorite Fitness Resource: My journal, Jack Daniel’s Running Formula, and the Crossfit Journal.

What Does Fitness Mean to You: It’s how I define myself. It should be a balance with your fitness regime, your home life and career.

What Are You Grateful For: My health, parents, fiancé, my dogs, and really great friends.


“Make yourself better on a day to day basis.”

You can find Dwight at Crossfit Sanitas in Boulder, CO and email him at dwight@crossfitsanitas.com.

Thank you for stopping by! Take a moment and say hi in the comments below.




Originally published at www.exploreyourfitness.com on March 3, 2016.



Jason Blevins

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