Java makes use of the “two’s complement” for representing signed numbers

Jean Villete
4 min readMay 27, 2018

When studying Java and I first heard that the very first (left-to-right) bit was for the number sign, I thought that the other bits following would be the same for positives and negatives, I mean, if the binary “00001111” would result to the decimal 15, so “10001111” would then result to “-15”. But it wouldn’t, and just because it makes use of “two’s complement”.

The two’s complement is a mathematical operation on binary numbers, best known for its role in computing as a method of signed number representation.

… two’s-complement has the advantage that the fundamental arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication are identical to those for unsigned binary numbers (as long as the inputs are represented in the same number of bits, and any overflow beyond those bits is discarded from the result).

It’s called “two’s complement” because the sum operation over the positive with its negative represented bits (of a corresponding decimal) always results zero.

To illustrate it, let’s assume the decimal value “3”, which represented on a 3 bit length results to; “011”
The negative decimal value, in this case “-3”, on a 3 bit length representation, results to (I’m going to explain why); “101”
The main goal for “two’s complement” is to decrease the complexity for mathematical operations with bits, and in the case above, if we do the calc below;

  0 1 1
1 0 1
1 0 0 0

… we endup with the binary “1000” but it is 4 bit length, and our representation is only 3 bit length, so we get from it the only three last bits (the very first is thrown away, once we cannot represent it cause we don’t have enough space =]) in this case “000”.

And it worked, the decimal operation “3 + (-3) = 0” which can be represented as binary “011 + 101 = 000”

At first glance it looks strange, right?
The rule for getting the binary representation “of a corresponding two’s complement” for a given decimal value, is, applying “2 ^ nBits - decimalValue = decimalTwosComplement”.

Example 1
Given the decimal “3” on a 3 bit length representation, we have the binary “011” and then we apply “2 ^ 3 - 3” which equals 5, that its binary representation is “101”, and that’s it, the negative decimal “-3” in binary representation is “101” in “two’s complement”.

3 bits
3 (dec) => 011 (bin)
-3 (dec) => 101 (bin)

Example 2
Given the decimal “12” on a 8 bit length (a Java byte primitive data type), we have the binary “00001100” and then we apply “2 ^ 8 - 12” which equals 244 (decimal) represented by the binary “11110100” that then represents a “-12” decimal value.

8 bits (a byte)
12 (dec) => 00001100 (bin)
-12 (dec) => 11110100 (bin)

Note: It was already told, but it is worth to mention that the very first bit represents the sign, and if it is “0” so it is a positive decimal number, otherwise, if it is “1” then it represents a negative decimal number.

Example 3
In case someone gives the binary “00001111”, how to get the corresponding decimal representation, considering the two’s complement?
Answering; It represents a positive decimal value, since the very first bit is “0”, so a basic transformation “binary-to-decimal” can be applied, thus getting the decimal 15.

Example 4
If it’s given a negative decimal value, the calc to get its corresponding binary representation is very similar to get it from a positive one. “2 ^ nBits - |negativeDecimal|”
… So then get the binary from the resulting decimal.
In case someone gives the decimal “-15” we do;

2 ^ 8 - |-15| => 256 - 15 => 241

… which applying the basic “decimal-to-binary” transformation, from the decimal 241 we get “11110001”

8 bits (a byte)
15 (dec) => 00001111
-15 (dec) => 11110001

Example 5
In case someone gives the binary “10001111”, how to get the corresponding decimal representation, considering the two’s complement?
Answering; It gives us the clue that it represents a negative decimal value, so we need first get its “decimal two’s complement” applying the basic “binary-to-decimal” transformation.
i.e; 10001111 => 143
… so now we need apply the formula “ - |2 ^ nBits - decimalValue = decimalTwosComplement|”;

-|2 ^ 8 - decimalValue = 143| => -|256 - 143 = decimalValue|=>-|256–143 = decimal| => -|113 = decimalValue|=>-113

That’s it for now!

