Chipper Cash App: A Billion Dollar Product Marketing Lesson

Jessica Ireju
4 min readSep 3, 2022


Chipper Cash is the cool kid in the Fintech industry; you would be hard pressed to find what not to love about the mobile app. Chipper Cash allows you send and receive Money across Africa the fast,and easy way. Even better, it offers free transfer, low cross border rates and opportunities to invest in global stocks.

But how did Chipper Cash founded in 2018 by Ham Serunjogi and Maijid Moujaled become a billion dollar company in 4 years? It currently operates in 7 African countries — Ghana, Uganda, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, South Africa; beginning operations in the US in 2021, Chipper cash is also available in the UK.

According to Forbes, Chipper Cash is worth an estimated $2.2 Billion Dollars raising $300 Million dollars in venture capitals, it netted $75 Million Dollars in revenue in 2021 excluding cryptocurrency transactions.

There are many factors that can account for it’s success with 5 million+ users but one thing is certain Chipper Cash understands that having a great product is one thing but getting people to notice your product, consciously identify with it until it becomes a part of their lives is the result of great product marketing.

By focusing extensively on it’s social media channel of promotion in positioning Chipper Cash as the preferred app for all transactions, it’s been able to appeal to it’s target audience mainly Gen Z, and millennials' who spend extensive amount of time on social media. Chipper cash boasts an audience of 96K followers on Facebook, 58K followers on Twitter and 14K followers on Instagram as at the time of writing this post. Chipper Cash’s social media it’s one of it’s strongest marketing tools and it doesn’t hesitate to use it in promoting the brand relentlessly.

Chipper Cash makes it obvious it’s marketing team knew what they’re doing signing Grammy Award Winning Nigerian musician Burna Boy as a brand ambassador, it doesn’t hurt that Burna Boy has over 7 million people following him on Twitter who are a suitable demographic for Chipper cash. Influencers' like Kansime Anne with her sizable following of more than 750K instagram followers, are also a part of promoting the Chipper Cash app. Chipper’s success is not accidental, it is strategic.

It doesn’t just acquire large social media audiences, it sustains it with high level content marketing with it’s blog; providing useful tips on financial literacy on social media with videos on “How to manage Wealth’’ shared on the brand’s instagram page.

It’s one thing to get a brand’s message out there but amplifying that message over time requires utilizing tools of promotion and Chipper Cash does just that using everything at it’s disposal. You have got to love a brand that cares, Chipper consistently gives back to communities partnering with NGO’s from a Book donation drive In Kenya, teaming up for More than Basketball camp in Ghana consistently proving that #ChipperCares providing great PR for the brand.

Chipper doesn’t only focus on digital marketing paid promotions on social media but turns those clicks to an engaged community with reviews on it’s USD Dollar & Naira Cards. Engaging with it’s audience, Chipper creates personalised feedback from users #TestimonyTuesday, and hosting twitter Spaces with leaders in the tech industry.

It’s Sales Promotion tool ensures that there are consistent online giveaways; referral feature on the app is a plus with Chipper’s cash back feature which is a prominent part of it’s social media campaigns, who doesn’t want to make money sending money?

Collaborations are a huge part of Chipper Cash’s success from sponsoring the TrendUpp Awards 2022 recognising content creators #ChipperXTrendupp, in light of the content creators who use Chippers Twitter Tip feature, it’s a great one. Chipper was also the official partner for the 2022 Bole festival which is a yearly event in Port Harcourt, Nigeria

Chipper Cash Product Marketing playbook should be studied for secrets, it’s an eclectic mix of different channels & tools of promotion. Although with it’s 16K subscribers on its YouTube channel, Chipper Cash is hard to ignore but maybe it’s time it delves into uncharted territories with a podcast.

Chipper Cash is known for treading in new paths, podcasting which is significantly more popular in the US is gaining new grounds in Africa after the pandemic. A Chipper Cash podcast would be great, I can just imagine it or maybe it’s my affinity for podcasts talking. Either ways, one thing is obvious the Chipper Cash is getting bigger, and it will consistently find new ways to cater to it’s growing audience.



Jessica Ireju

Communications | Marketing | Digital Media | Amplifying Stories of Women @hergreenroom | Storyteller >> Blogger | Writer | Podcaster