Launch a Fast Growing Outsourcing Business by Providing Platform for Talent Seekers & Freelancers

John Williams
4 min readSep 6, 2017


Gone are the days, when businesses were completely dependent on developers, coders and agencies to execute their plans. Most of the businesses today understand the huge legacy costs involved in dealing with developers and agencies. The thing about legacy costs is — they prove to be huge overhead costs, but have no returns or value addition to the project. These costs are involved in the invoice, just to reflect the brand equity of the developer or the agency. But as you know, times have changed.

With more and more businesses turning out to be startups; frugality, innovation and creativity are fueling low cost business solutions. The best one of these is — having freelancers to help you with your business. Freelancers can provide the same level of output, sometimes even more efficient, and all of it at very low costs. But then, here is lies the problem — it is very difficult for businesses to look for quality and trustworthy freelancers.

Many a times, while working with freelancers, there is no paperwork involved. This makes both the parties, the company and the freelancer, be independent of any obligation to deliver. When there is no per-decided system of managing the project involved, things can go haywire. That is where a freelancing platform comes into picture.

Freelancers contributed over $715 billion to the American economy. There are millions and millions of freelancers in South East Asia, African Regions and Latin America who can provide services like Graphic Designing, Coding, Content Creation, Digital Marketing and so on, at a fraction of the cost an agency from the developed market. You can take advantage of this business opportunity by simply creating a platform that connects talent seekers with the right kind of talent.

Freelance Script

There are platforms like Upwork and, which have become freelancers marketplace. Clients post their job queries and freelancers respond with their prospective quotes. You can create a similar platform. But here is the problem — such platforms have tons of functionalities. Here is how a Freelance script can help you through:

1. You can get all the features you want. The first thing you will need to do is, find the correct agency partner. Your freelance script will provide you with all the features you wish to have on your desired platforms. But they should be able to deliver more than that. Since you have a similar technology like these big platforms, your UI and UX should be unique to differentiate your platform from the rest. Only right professionals will help you achieve that.

2. These platforms have many functionalities in place like freelancer profiling and rating, search services, in build messaging, file exchange channels, virtual work-space and some even have live screen work updates for clients to check how many hours have their freelancers worked on something. Your ideal agency partner will be able to provide you with the right freelancer clone script that can help you with installing these features and functionalities on your platform, easily.

You can focus on creating a working business model. Running a freelancer platform will include two aspects:

i. Building a platform with all the desired functionalities.
ii. Bringing quality freelancers on the platform, with which prospective clients can work.

Getting done with the first aspect can be a headache. If you go out and hire a web developer and team of coders, you will be hardly left with any resources to actually promote your business. Instead of going through this costly loop, you can simply look for the right kind of experts who can provide you with the correct freelancer clone which will take care of the entire web development aspect, giving you all the website features you need. This will cost you a fraction of what hiring a full fledged web developers team will, and the output received will still be the same.

Since you will save a huge amount of resources, you can spend the correct time and money in getting quality freelancers on your platform.

3. A freelance marketplace script can still be modified. Initially, you may not require a huge list of features. You can choose to have a fixed set of functionalities and later work on adding new features, after you have understood user behavior by running traffic analysis. Your freelance marketplace script will have scope of adding features in the future, as and when you require.

4. There is no shady business here. Many people have a doubt on how can someone use a freelancer clone, or is it even legal? The answer to these queries is yes, it is completely legal. These codes will be provided by your agency partner by leveraging an open source freelance script. Such a PHP freelance script can help you get the website up and running in no time, with the legalities taken care of, at the fraction of possible cost.

