How to build a successful professional future!

Júnior Rodrigues
2 min readSep 4, 2018

What are you doing today? What results do you hope to achieve with your actions? Are you actively taking control of your life and designing your future? Or are you "letting life take you" (as Zeca Pagodinho, a famous Brazilian singer, would say)?

If you answered YES to the last question, I will tell you a secret: YOU ARE DEAD!

Professionally, at least. Although it sounds like an exaggerated phrase, it becomes more and more true in a world of exponentially faster changes. At the end of the day, the message is one: You will not achieve different results by doing the same things as always!

But if you answered NO to that question and the 3 initial questions caught your attention, good! You have salvation. This short article will give you some tips to evolve professionally (at your own risk!).

First, change your mindset. No excuses, no postponements, everything depends on your priority and getting organized, taking time for each activity of your day and taking advantage of the opportunities to add more knowledge to your utility belt.

Of course you do not have to forget the world and put yourself in a bubble. You can enjoy life with your family, friends, rest, obvious! It's fair! You worked hard just for it! But what about your personal and professional growth, where is it?

The idea is just to fit these pills into your daily routine. Go to the beach but take a book to read. Rest, but wake up an hour earlier to study, or set aside space during your day. Get active networking and discuss topics of interest with relevant people! Take that design out of the drawer!

You will find that these small doses will make an AMAZING difference in your life!

In addition to these daily actions that will bring you great short term results, it is very important to do something more structured and with a medium / long term vision, such as:

  • Have a career planning (where you want to get to and what you need for it)
  • Take an extension or technical course (it is advantageous, yes!)
  • Develop personal or behavioral skills (analyze your gaps and run behind)
  • In the crisis is that grows (take advantage of business opportunities or qualify to take advantage when everything back to normal)
  • Keep an eye on promising areas (IA, Learning machine, Biotechnology, etc.)

WAKE UP! It may take a while, opportunities may not be appearing, but your time will come! Your future is up to you and nobody else!

#vqv #agile #learn #growth

