John White, MBA
3 min readMay 18, 2016

Empty Minds Make the Most Noise

Every once in a while in a moment of weakness, I allow myself to get suckered into a political discussion online. After it’s done, I always regret having gotten involved. Sound familiar to anyone? Well, don’t feel bad, with political rhetoric literally everywhere we look with the US presidential elections now in full swing, it’s easy to get suckered in now and again.

I knew I had been wasting my time once the person I was debating with stated rather loudly, “I don’t care about your facts!” How can you have a discussion with someone that doesn’t value factual information or refuses to provide any facts of their own to back up their claims?

I believe being smart is simply a mindset. Smart people are always educating themselves. Some do it via a formal education, and others take an alternative path. The common thread is that there is a desire to always be learning throughout life.

Educated people approach all things in life with a scientific brain. In other words, they form a hypothesis before making assertions. Then, they use research to determine the validity of their hypothesis before stating it is fact.

Uneducated people typically just repeat popular opinions that they hear others saying on television or what members of their family tell them should be saying.

The uneducated get loud because it makes them feel better. It’s their only line of defense.

Shouting over someone just to be heard is not a debate. An educated person is more open to new ideas. In essence, their opinions are mutable. They are often more willing to consider counterpoints and reevaluate their stance upon being presented with new factual evidence.

Everybody should be encouraged to get an education so that they can have a chance to succeed in life, including but not limited better employment options, access to healthcare, ability to obtain higher standards of living, and the skills needed to be a positive contributing member of a community.

I will leave you with one final thought. Don’t ever hold the value of your degree higher than your education and if you don’t have a degree, don’t let that stop you from getting an education.

About the Author:: John White is a recovering 13-year veteran of the wireless industry, current owner and chief marketer at Social Marketing Solutions, Brand Ambassador for a new affinity-based social media network called beBee, and contributing writer to The Good Men Project, Dice Insights, and the Social Marketing Blog. When he is not blogging or Tweeting, John enjoys being a dad, playing tennis, and eating Mexican food. Call or text me anytime: 970–692–3270.

John White, MBA

Founder at Social Marketing Solutions. Columnist @Inc Magazine. About Me: #Dad #SocialMedia #Tennis #Marketer #MBA #MexicanFood