Know Fast: Analytics — Your Favourite Categories

Know Fast
2 min readDec 27, 2015


We like to share with you some analytics that we gather as we go along, so here’s some data regarding your favourite video categories, since our launch on December 8th.

As you know, we let our users choose the video category before the video is shown, out of 10 category we give the user 2, plus the option to watch a random one (By the way, it used to be the only option, we used to offer only a random video but we changed it due to some user feedback)

What do you think is the most chosen category? to our surprise it is:

Categories division

Random? No way! it seems that you like to be surprised after all. but this is just misleading, since most of our users does choose categories, so let’s remove the random one from the charts:

Categories division without “Random”

Now we can see more clearly, that “Science” is the most chosen one, following by a far second place, “Cooking”, very close to “History”, while all the rest are far behind.

Well… To be completely honest, we actually have more science videos than any other videos, but we’re not sure it in influences this chart. (By the way, my personal favourite is “Cooking”)

Anyway, we will continue to update in the future, while keeping adding new videos to the collection (trying to even out between the categories) and sometimes make changes in the category (like the recent remove of the “DIY” category and introducing the new “Puzzles” category.

If you have ideas for other categories you would like us to add, drop us a line, we would love to hear from you.



