Freelancing in Four Steps

Liv Jaho
3 min readAug 24, 2017


Do you need another stream of income? A creative outlet? A more flexible schedule? Are you testing to see if you could potentially start your own business? You should freelance.

What Can I Freelance?

If you’ve been working/practicing in a particular field for several years, chances are that you have a skill somebody lacks and would pay you to do for them. So why not get paid to do something you are good at?

It can be graphic design, accounting, book keeping, copywriting, editing, video production, management, illustrations, etc. Pretty much anything!

Where Do I Begin?

  1. Join UpWork
    This is a platform where employers and freelancers can find each other. You can find projects ranging from simple fixed-price contract gigs to long-term contract or hourly positions. You can set your own pay grade but I would suggest being flexible when you start out.
    → Also, understand that UpWork takes a small percentage of the pay from every job you complete.
  2. Create A Website
    You’ll look more legit. When potential clients ask for a portfolio, send them to your website/portfolio instead of attaching various documents or links of your work.
    If you don’t know how to build a site from scratch, use a website builder like or SquareSpace.
  3. Get Social
    Create social media platforms where you can share your services. Branding yourself will help you get more exposure, which will eventually attract more customers!
    → Think about where your audience “hangs out” online. You may not need a social presence on every single platform. Facebook is a good place to start since everyone and their mothers has one. Intsagram is really hot for small business right now, too.
    → Create a Facebook business page (connected to your personal account), so you can open an Instagram business profile dedicated to your freelancing gig. Pro Tip: Make sure your bio clearly indicates what your services are and include a link to your professional website/portfolio in your IG business profile
  4. Work Your Network
    Could your friends, college mates, old colleagues, or neighbors use your services? They might! Let them know about your side hustle and what services you provide through a Facebook post (and include a link to your social sites and website/portfolio). They may know a friend of a friend who may need you. Connections are huge as you start freelancing.

Start Hustlin’

That’s really all you need to get started…

Let me know how it goes.





Liv Jaho

Sucker for a good story. Connect with me: @Livjaho