What am I reading in 2016?

Martijn Scheijbeler
3 min readAug 22, 2016


In a post series in January on TNW I wrote that one of my goals for this year was to read more books. While we’re already in Q3 of this year let me give an update on how it’s going and what I’ve been reading and what is still on my list for the rest of the year.

Progress? Well compared to avid readers I’m doing pretty bad. But with having read 9 books so far this year it’s been going quite well in my opinion compared to the pace I was used to.

So what I’ve been reading so far:

  • Exponential Organisations: Book I received for doing a session at Conversion Hotel last year, great one to get more sense in to what drives exponential organisations.
  • Money Master the Game: As a Tony Robbins fan and wanting to know more about personal finance, this was a book I was looking forward to, to read. Great book in the end, bit long.
  • Designing Brand Identity: As mostly a digital marketeer I wanted to learn more about the assets and strategies on how to build a design a brand identity. Loved it!
  • Never Eat Alone: How do you connect to other people more easily and get them to have coffee with you or help you out. Tried already some of the strategies before the book, great if you just started in business.
  • The Speed of Trust

The following books were required for the classes I’ve been attending around NIMA-C. A course I’m doing around marketing strategy:

  • On Strategic Marketing: HBR’s 10 best articles around strategic marketing. This book was on my wish list regardless of the classes. Most of the articles were very interesting looking back. Some of them are completely outdated or irrelevant, hopefully this book will get an update in the upcoming years.
  • Marketingstrategie: Insights into how to write a strategic marketing plan. Lots of theory, but in combination with classes and a case study a great read on how to set up an SMP.
  • Big Data Marketing: Hmmm, not completely impressed by this one. It talked a bit too much to my liking about the differences + reason why CIOs should work together more with CMOs. Could have been more in depth around strategies and less about what issues occur how they’re working right now.
  • When Digital Becomes Human: Must admit, that I skipped most of this book. Required for my classes, but in all honesty I thought it was a bit too much vision and too general on certain topics.

What I will be reading:

Some of the next books that I’ll be reading are in Dutch and non marketing related some are English and are marketing focused. As you might notice I love reading books around politics/political campaigns a lot.

  • Blue Ocean Strategy (Currently reading).
  • The Signal and the Noise
  • Marketing Met Ballen
  • Agile Marketing
  • The Victory Lab
  • Content Strategy for the Web
  • The Power of Habit
  • De Prooi
  • Ninja Innovation

After that?

Some books that are still on my wish list at Amazon and that I probably will order soon to start reading by the end of the year:



Martijn Scheijbeler

VP Marketing @RVshare, Prior at: @Postmates, @Springest, @TheNextWeb. Growth, Marketing & Product, SEO, Web Analytics. Speaker. Works on https://www.keywordz.co