Matthieu Ventelon
2 min readOct 23, 2015

The ‘A’, an ultra-directional sound speaker by Akoustic Arts

The « A » is like listening to headphones… without having to wear headphones.

The « A » is an ultra-directional speaker : a revolutionary listening device that provides precisely focused high quality audio wherever you want or need.

The « A » creates a conical beam of sound, the same way that a laser creates a beam of light to focus on a precise area. Inside the beam, you hear sound. Outside, you hear nothing.

Four years of intensive research have led Parisian startup Akoustic Arts to complete the development of this cutting-edge technology.

Avalaible in 2 sizes (20X20cm / 10X10cm) the « A » provides numerous possibilities for a personal or professional use :

Watching a late-night movie without disturbing anyone ;

Listening to music at work without annoying your neighbor ;

Following quietly the GPS directions in your car ;

Giving life to visual contents (artworks in museums, TV screens during events, in-store advertising) ;

Avoiding sound pollution (urban environment, fairs)…All without having to wear headphones.

Compact, economical, robust, user-friendly, and with an unrivaled quality of sound (bandwidth from 100Hz /sound level > 90 dB) the « A » enables you to connect any devices (smartphone, laptop…) and listen to your audio contents without bothering others nor isolating yourself.

Check out the video :

After CES in January (Las Vegas), Le Bourget Air Show in June (Paris), GITEX week in October (Dubai), the « A » is soon to be presented next November at Web Summit (Dublin).