Camp is almost over, 10 days left!

Natasha Lewis
3 min readMar 29, 2019


Weekly check in.

6 weeks down, 2 to go (gulp) 😅. Well less than that now as I’m posting this a little later than usual this week. So actually it’s 10 days to go 😬.

On the one hand it feels like a lifetime ago I was in Bath, but on the other it feels like it’s flown by too 🤷🏼‍♀️.

Almost 2 weeks have passed since my first half Ironman race, surprisingly I recovered quickly, I was expecting to wake up in a whole world of pain but it was quite the opposite. Then again, these past 6 weeks have been solid in terms of training and we had zero taper leading into it. As I mentioned, that race was a “hard training day” according to my coach. All of us went into the race under complete accumulation of fatigue (that was the plan by the way) so to be honest when I woke up the following day I just felt as I always do 😂.

I haven’t really given the race much thought since then, we were straight back into normal training Monday morning and it was as if nothing had happened. Which I like. I don’t like to dwell on it, regardless if it was a good result or bad. My focus was straight back into training and making the most of my last couple of weeks left out here.

I can’t tell you how much I’m going to miss this. It has been by far the best experience of my life. But it’s also made me realise a lot of things and those things are playing on my mind. I’ve got a lot of stuff to figure out and decide when I’m home and it’s pretty daunting. I won’t delve into this right now as I’m not entirely sure on things myself 😂.

I had my parents out here last week which was lovely, it had been the longest I’ve not seen them so it was great to have a week with them (amongst the training). It’s funny because although they knew what I did and the training that I do, I don’t think they fully appreciated or understood just how intense and full on it is which is nice. So many assume (and rightly so) that I’m “living the dream” training full time, 3 sessions per day etc etc. And that’s right, but it’s incredibly intense, the effort/intensity and mental aspects of it are huge so for them to get a glimpse of what I’ve been doing out here and see how hard I work in my sessions is great. It’s also been amazing to not have to cook every day and be taken out for meals. I am certainly miss that after returning to cooking my meals again this week😔.

This week has been a little more swim focus, I’ve had a few sessions where technique has been the key point. Just when I thought I was getting somewhere with it, my whole technique gets pulled apart again 😂🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. It’s incredibly frustrating as swimming has always been my weakest of the 3 and from not having a swim background, coming into this sport “late” means Im so behind on the rest of the squad in terms of my swimming ability. It’s so bloody technical and drives me mental that I can’t quite get to grips with it as fast as I’d like. Realistically I’m looking at another 2 years before I’m at the level of the rest of the squad…. that’s a hell of a long time. But… all good things take time and as we all know, if it was easy, everyone would do it right? So I’ll keep going, as always! 😄

So that’s a wrap on week 6, I know these next 10 data are going to fly by and within a blink of an eye I’ll be back in the fish bowl that is Bath.

Still… only a few more weeks before my next big race and the start of my 2019 season starts properly 😬.

Thank you to all the lovely messages I’ve received from clients/friends/family etc over this past week with regards to the race. I really appreciate them!

Hope you all have a lovely week- I hear the weather is on the up and spring has sprung ready for my return? 😎👌🏼 after all… gotta keep this tan going 🤣😜

Tash xx



Natasha Lewis

Director and Personal Trainer of Get Fit In Bath. Athlete and Sports Massage Therapist.