ES6 arrow functions in depth

Adrian Oprea
6 min readJan 18, 2017
Richard ElzeyArrow Signs

One of the prettiest features of ES6, it could easily win a beauty contest, if such a contest would be held. What many people don’t know is that the arrow function is not simply a form of syntactic sugar that we can use instead of the regular callback. As I like to explain it to the people who attend my trainings/workshops, arrow functions are this-less, arguments-less, and super-less. Let us now get past the shorter syntax and dive deeper into the specifics of the arrow function.

Table of contents

  • Lexically-bound this
  • Lexical arguments
  • Other characteristics
  • Implicit return
  • No new calls
  • No
  • Closing thoughts
  • Resources
  • Updates

Lexically-bound this

Previously, regular functions would have their this value set to the global object if they were used as callbacks, to a new object in case they were called with the new operator or, in the case of libraries like jQuery, they would be set to the object that triggered an event in case of event handlers, or the current element in a $.each iteration.This situation proved very confusing even for experienced developers. Let’s say you have a piece of code like the one below.

var obj = {
nameValue: 'default',
initializeHandlers: function() {
var nameInput = document.querySelector('#name');
nameInput.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
this.nameValue =;

The problem is that this inside the blur event handler is set to the global object rather than obj. In strict mode — ‘use strict’; — you risk breaking your application because this is set to undefined. In order to side-step this issue we have two options:

  • Convert the event handler to a function bound to the outer scope, using Function.prototype.bind
  • Use the dirty var self = this; expression in the initializeHandlersfunction (I see this as a hack)

Both options are illustrated below.

initializeHandlers: function() {
var nameInput = document.querySelector('#name');
// more elegant but we can do better
var blurHandler = function(event) {
this.nameValue =;
nameInput.addEventListener('blur', blurHandler);
initializeHandlers: function() {
var nameInput = document.querySelector('#name');
// ugly and error-prone
var self = this;
nameInput.addEventListener('blur', function(event) {
self.nameValue =;

On the other hand, arrow functions have no internal context. They inherit their context from the outer scope. Let’s take a look at how arrow functions solve this problem.

const obj = {
nameValue: 'default',
initializeHandlers: function() {
const nameInput = document.querySelector('#name');
nameInput.addEventListener('blur', (event) => {
// this references obj instead of the global object
this.nameValue =;

In our new implementation this is a hard reference to the obj object and doesn’t get lost due to nesting.

Lexical arguments

Have you ever tried to access the arguments object inside an arrow function? I have, and I wasted 3 solid hours trying to figure out why do I get the arguments of the outer function instead of those of the arrow functions. Thankfully, MDN exists, and as good practice dictates, you check the documentation at the end, when you sit in a corner, knees tucked to your chest, rocking and repeating to yourself: “I should have been a carpenter!” Fun aside, arrow functions do not expose an arguments object. If you try to access it, you will get the arguments of the surrounding function. In our case, given the fact that the outer function is an arrow function as well, and we have no more functions further up the chain, we will get a ReferenceError.

const variadicAdder = (x) => {  return () => {
let args =, 0);
return args.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
return accumulator + current;
}, x);
const variadicAdderOf5 = variadicAdder(5);console.log(variadicAdderOf5(10, 11, 12));
// ReferenceError: arguments is not defined

There is no fix here, as there is nothing broken. There are ways to sidestep this issue. One would be to return a plain function instead of an arrow function. This will give us the opportunity to access the arguments object without an issue. The updated code will look like the one below with the only difference that it will actually work and not throw an error.

const variadicAdder = (x) => {  return function() {
let args =, 0);
return args.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
return accumulator + current;
}, x);
const variadicAdderOf5 = variadicAdder(5);console.log(variadicAdderOf5(10, 11, 12));
// 38

The more elegant solution, suggested by somebody on reddit, would be to use the rest parameter syntax.

const variadicAdder = (x) => {  return (...args) => {
return args.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
return accumulator + current;
}, x);
const variadicAdderOf5 = variadicAdder(5);variadicAdderOf5(1, 2);

To find out more about Array.prototype.reduce, head to the Mozilla Developer Network.

Other characteristics

As I mentioned in the introductory section of this article, arrow functions have several more characteristics besides the context and the arguments.

Implicit return

A very powerful feature is the ability to implicitly return the result of the logic being executed within it. This is available only for functions that have a single block of code as their body and it is called concise body / block body. Basically, if your function is a one-liner, then you can use concise notation and reap the benefits.

Take a look at the example below and let’s see how we can simplify it and make use of this powerful feature.

function regularMultiplyBy2(n) {
return n * 2;
const multiplyBy2Arrow = (n) => {
return n * 2;
const multiplyBy2ArrowWithImplicitReturn = (n) => n * 2;

We can even go a step further and remove the parens around the function’s argument.

const multiplyBy2 = n => n * 2;

No new calls

Being completely anonymous and dependent on their surrounding context, you are unable to use the new operator with arrow functions. As a direct implication, arrow functions also don’t have super(). Snippets like the one below would simply throw a TypeError.

const Person = (name) => { = name;
let p = new Person('John');
// TypeError: Person is not a constructor


The third characteristic, which is as well, a direct implication of the inability to use the new operator, is the fact that arrow functions don’t have In a nutshell, allows you to detect whether or not a function has been called as a constructor. Arrow functions, inherit from their surrounding scope. If the outer scope is a function, and it is called like a constructor (e.g. new Person('Adrian');), then will point to the outer function. The Mozilla Developer Network hosts a detailed explanation on and I encourage you to check it out.

Closing thoughts

Now that you got a bit more detail into how arrow functions work, go and use them like they were intended! I can’t help recommending that you go through the Mozilla Developer Network JavaScript Reference as there is an abundance of knowledge that will help you in the long run, in your web development career. Feel free to leave comments, suggest edits and especially share with your peers.



  1. Added the Implicit return section.
  2. Published Using ES6 arrow functions in production-ready apps that is directly tied to this article.
  3. Added References section.
  4. Added rest parameter syntax solution to Lexical arguments section.
  5. Updated Resources section with more articles (previously lost in my bookmarks).


Photo credits: Richard ElzeyArrow Signs

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Originally published on Oprea.Rocks

