Smart Tips to Keep Your Vape Tank Clean

Planet Vapor
3 min readApr 17, 2020

The best way to achieve optimal efficiency is a clear vapor. While the ingredients of vape juice will not usually stain your equipment, residue will accumulate and the accumulation will eventually affect your favorite vape output. Vegetable glycerin and certain darker e-juice flavors are infamous for gunning up tubes, as are most sweeteners used in the manufacture of e-liquids. A gunked up coil will contain less flavor and vapor, and will burn the vapor taste. If you try visiting any vape shops in Knoxville TN and know the ways to clean the machine, you will get relevant insight.

You know the flavors of the vape juice you need. Somehow, they just don’t seem as strong as they were. The vape is just not doing as well as it used to. There may be a clear explanation for this: your vape is dirty and clogged.

It’s time to give you a safe health bill for your vaping unit. Make it right, and experience your preferred flavors again. Know how to keep your vape clean.

Get to Know Your System

Most of the vapes in pen style come in three parts. The tank containing the e-juice is in there. Sometimes this is paired with the atomizer. And there is the wire, the heating element that transforms the liquid into vapor.

Finally, there is a portion of the unit’s power supply. Box mod models have larger tanks and stronger batteries.

How to Clean the Tank

It is particularly important when you switch flavors to keep the tank clean. This will mean that there is less risk that one flavor may contaminate another. A fast rinse will suffice more often than not.

Here’s What to Do:

  1. Pour some warm water into a bowl.
  2. Dispose of the tank and any leftover e-juice.
  3. Put all the tank components in the bowl and give them a good wash.
  4. Use a drop or two of mild detergent if necessary.
  5. Clean all off with a paper towel.
  6. Allow the components to clean for 15 minutes or so until reassembling.

Follow the instructions above for a more thorough sweep. But give them a very good wipe with some unflavored vodka, before sticking the pieces in a bowl of water. That will get rid of deposits from e-juice. To clean any stubborn areas using a toothbrush follow the rest of the procedure, as mentioned above.

Cleaning the Vape Coils

At some point your vape coils may need to be replaced, particularly if you are frequently using your vape. They will wear out and that will have a negative effect on the flavors that you enjoy. Unfortunately, they would only burn out if you wet the coils.

Especially if you use one to give up smoking you need your vape to function at peak efficiency. And how do you know when you need to change your coil?
That is a sure sign if it’s dark and crusted over. If you get a burned taste or less output of vapor then it is a separate warning. Often, an atomizer that is leaky is something to look for.

You must usually remove the tank to change the coil. Then twist the coil to the left and turn it off. Screw in a new one after disposing of the old coil, and add the tank back to the unit.

Knowing How to Clean Your Vape

Keeping your battery tank clean and knowing when it’s necessary to change the coils. This will help you get full benefit from the flavors you love.

When you learn how to clean your vape, there will be many happy days ahead for you to vape. Visit Planet Vapor, our famous Vape shop in Johnson City, TN. We can provide you a full instruction guide on cleaning your device.



Planet Vapor

We offer a wide selection of vape products and accessories including, premium e-liquids, mods, Starter Kits, high-quality closed pod systems, tanks and coils.