The gardener

PM Neist
Project 105
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2017
Illustration for The Gardener. Hand-embroidered pen and ink. P.m. Neist 2017

From the start she made it clear: the garden was hers. This was where she spent her time, growing those things that begged to emerge from the muck and richness of this soil that she loved, and nurtured and tilled every minute she could.

She often found herself there, in the evenings, the sun setting behind the neighbor’s house, water seeping from the old hose she couldn’t bring herself to replace, her apron full of weeds, her hands reaching into the thick tangle of life she had orchestrated.

Three, four times a year, sometimes more, depending on the weather, the ladies’ garden club sent her tersely-worded reminders about the rules of front-facing gardens. She was asked to trim back, which she did of course, but only a little and only to minimally appease.

There was the year when they criticized her tolerance for milkweed, the year they regulated the height of her heirloom corn, and the one for which they called a public hearing on the danger of ragwort. And what could they do about her creeping thistles? Her forest of canna lilies? And those ferns she could lose the cat in?

Twice the garden was completely razed. Twice she replanted, bigger, better, thicker, higher, until at long last she was left alone in the wilderness of her creation.

“The Gardener” is the 12th story of Project 105 — illustrated flash fiction. All 105 hand-embroidered original illustrations of Project 105 are being gifted to individuals who express an interest in art and fiction. Preference is given to first time art owners and to those who might not otherwise have access to art, fiction or both. Each art recipient is also given a free original copy of the story. To learn more about Project 105 or to sign up and become eligible to receive a Project 105 illustration visit



PM Neist
Project 105

Artist. Storyteller. Textile. Embroidery. Portraits. Flash Fiction. Nano Fiction. Whimsical, irreverent, tender.