5 Reasons Why Kick.com is Sh*t and May Fail (in my opinion)

3 min readJun 19, 2024


In the fast-paced world of online streaming, platforms come and go, but some leave a particularly bad taste in our mouths. Kick.com, a rising star in the streaming universe, might just be one of those. Here are five reasons why, in my humble opinion, Kick.com is sh*t and destined for failure.

1. Harboring Predators: The Dark Underbelly of Kick.com

One of the most disturbing aspects of Kick.com is its willingness to welcome back streamers with alarming allegations against them. Figures like HeelMike, Zherka, and Cheesur, who have openly conducted inappropriate behavior (pedophilia), are given free rein to stream on the platform. This isn’t just a rumor mill churning out baseless accusations — videos and evidence are readily available online, showcasing their disturbing confessions and behavior. Allowing such individuals to operate on their platform speaks volumes about Kick.com’s priorities and ethics. It’s a glaring red flag that should make any potential user or advertiser think twice.

2. The Viewbotting Epidemic: Smoke and Mirrors

A significant chunk of Kick.com’s so-called popularity is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Prominent streamers like Aiden Ross, Vitaly, Trainwreckstv, Konvy, Heelmike, and Cheesur have been accused of using viewbots, chatbots, and follow bots to inflate their numbers. Ironically, these very same streamers now complain about others employing similar tactics. The solution is straightforward — having a Security Operations Center (SOC) or Incident Response (IR) team conduct basic analysis could easily weed out these fake metrics. Yet, Kick.com chooses to ignore this, opting to appear bigger and better than their competitors. This deceptive practice erodes trust and credibility, pushing genuine content creators and viewers away.

3. Toxic Content: A Playground for Bullies

Instead of fostering a community of creativity and positivity, Kick.com has become a haven for toxic content. The biggest streamers often resort to violence, bullying, and demeaning others to attract views. This not only endangers themselves but also sets a harmful precedent for their audience. The platform’s reliance on viewbotting to inflate engagement only exacerbates this issue, promoting sensationalism over substance. In an era where content quality should reign supreme, Kick.com’s approach is both dangerous and disheartening.

4. Selective Banning: A Game of Favorites

Kick.com’s selective banning policy is another nail in its coffin. They seem to only enforce their rules against smaller streamers who lack the follower base to create an uproar. Meanwhile, bigger streamers get away with blatant violations, unchecked and unchallenged. Numerous videos on YouTube highlight this hypocrisy, showing how Kick.com’s enforcement is anything but fair. This double standard not only alienates smaller creators but also tarnishes the platform’s reputation as a whole.

5. Shoddy Development and Support: A Leaky Ship

Perhaps one of the most frustrating aspects of Kick.com is its subpar development and support team. Since its launch, the platform has been plagued with broken APIs and security vulnerabilities. Personally, I’ve reached out multiple times via email and Discord about critical issues like PII data leaks — streamers’ addresses, phone numbers, and full names exposed to the public. The response? Crickets. This glaring neglect not only jeopardizes users’ privacy but also highlights the platform’s incompetence in maintaining a secure and reliable service.

Conclusion: A Gamble That’s Not Paying Off

Given these glaring issues, it’s no surprise that reputable companies would steer clear of advertising on Kick.com. The platform’s association with Stake, a gambling site, adds another layer of irony to this risky venture. The fact that their most prominent streamers attract a young, financially unstable audience further underscores the platform’s flawed direction. In the end, Kick.com’s house of cards is likely to come crashing down, leaving behind a cautionary tale of how not to run a streaming service.

In my opinion, Kick.com is a ticking time bomb. Its failure to address serious ethical concerns, reliance on deceptive practices, and overall mismanagement make it a poor choice for both creators and viewers alike. The writing is on the wall, and it’s only a matter of time before this sh*t show meets its inevitable end.

