8 Quick And Healthy Snack Ideas For Everyday Life

3 min readOct 29, 2021


Eating every three hours is one of the secrets to losing those extra pounds and gaining the weight of your dreams. In addition to the three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), you need to include a morning snack and one or two afternoon snacks in your eating routine.

However, if the idea is to lose weight, these snacks also need to be light and healthy. Fruit, yogurt or a granola bar are great options, as is a natural juice or smoothie. Check out some nice morning and afternoon snack suggestions.

1. Oat pancake with banana and cinnamon

Those who like fit, practical and tasty food will love this afternoon snack option. The recipe uses only 4 ingredients: banana, egg, oatmeal and cinnamon powder.

At just 137 calories, the banana oat pancake is rich in fiber, carbohydrates and protein. In addition, it also has the touch of cinnamon which, in addition to enhancing the flavor, is an excellent natural thermogenic.

2. Frying pan fit cheese bread:

How about starting your day with a simple, quick and delicious recipe? This skillet-fit cheese bread is the ideal option for those who like to eat something different for breakfast, but don’t want to have a lot of work to cook. And if you don’t have sour powder, you can substitute it for the sweet one!

3. Simple crepioca:

In a bowl, beat the egg, tapioca gum and water with a fork and season with salt and pepper. Grease the skillet with coconut oil or olive oil, spread your crepioca dough and let it brown on both sides. It’s ready and you can fill it with the most diverse ingredients!

4. Low carb cloud bread:

Very fluffy, this low carb cloud bread is made with few ingredients — eggs, cream cheese, grated Parmesan cheese, powdered yeast and salt — and it’s ready quickly. Tip: You can add dried herbs or cocoa powder and sweetener to make a sweet version.

5. Cookies

Yes, the famous and irresistible cookies can also be part of healthy eating. But, pay attention to the ingredients and avoid exaggerations.

There are several cookie recipes made with natural ingredients, with reduced sugar and fat. These are free for the afternoon snack.

On Liv Up’s menu you will find the traditional vanilla cookie with chocolate chips, made with natural ingredients and 70% chocolate. Best of all, as it’s frozen, you just put it in the microwave to have a warm cookie, as if it just came out of the oven.

6. Sweet Potato Chips

How about a healthy fitness snack? Sweet potato, being a complex carbohydrate with low absorption, is the darling of fitness recipes.

Sweet potato chips are nutritious, satiety and practical to make. In fact, add oil and spices to your preparation, it’s delicious. This is definitely a great option to take a snack to work.

7. Wholemeal Sandwich with Shredded Chicken

Want a fuller, low-calorie, and very tasty sandwich? Bet on the sandwich with shredded chicken.

In order to make you healthier, you can use wholegrain bread or wrap. Stuff with shredded chicken, lettuce and arugula. Not only does it satiate, it’s also a very nutritious sandwich, rich in protein, carbohydrates and vitamins.

8. Ratatouille sandwich

Are you vegetarian? Then we have a great sandwich option for you too. How about a ratatouille sandwich?

Ratatouille is a traditional French dish of roasted vegetables, which can be eaten hot or cold. This sandwich is a fun, modern and tasty version of this dish. You can use wholemeal baguettes to make your sandwich even healthier.

Read more: https://sq.gravatar.com/emmaviccent

