Artificial Intelligence VS Armenian Intelligence, the AI dream

Ruzanna Safaryan
4 min readJun 4, 2017


A week ago I had a visit to Bay Area with a vision of creating a knowledge bridge between Armenian and US research and educational institutions. The greatest output of the visit was not only the future projects that will eventually happen, but also the fact of discovering so many new “Armenians” and seeing their commitment to support the country.

But right before I start to talk about how smart and crazy we are, and how I love the fact of having Armenian Intelligence, I would like to recall a couple of random stories that happened to me within the visit.

I had an appointment at Stanford with the AI research lead at d.School, and while I was trying to find my way to the coolest guy I was about to know, I happened to see someone else on my way. I briefly introduced myself ~ “Armenian”, he nicely interrupted me, saying that he had a really good friend in Armenia, back in time they had “Khorovats” together. This awesome person was the academic director of the school, and the guy who he had “khorovats” with, was one of the former rectors of NPUA.

So, with my head up already, I approached Larry. We had a really nice talk about the future of AI, and how things are going to work out for it in the near future. Larry is the founder of design research at Stanford, and the key point he mentioned was that ‘one thing AI is not going to take over (at least for upcoming 200 years) is creativity; “Emotional Intelligence of robots should be the key area we need to work on at the moment”. Emotional Intelligence ~ I recalled quietly our conversation with Vazgen when he was telling me about his vision of creating an emotional intelligence around the objects and humans. I felt so proud not only about the fact that I understood what Larry was talking about, but also about how close we are to creating something huge using our AI (Armenian Intelligence that is).

Another amazing meeting at San Jose with Mary Papazyan, a proud carrier of Armenian nationality, an amazing personality, a leader that opened up all the doors for possible cooperation leaving me with goosebumps.

Now I am back, sitting with mixed feelings looking at 3 young, I should say very young Armenians — Vazgen Hakobjanyan, Hambardzum Kaghketsyan and Ashot Arzumanyan who are the perfect change happening in Armenia through essential vector of friendship in all endeavors.

While they are moderating one of the coolest events in Armenia, I am looking at the key note speakers: Ruben Vardanyan, Fr. Mesrop Aramyan, Aram Pakhchanyan, Naira Hovakimyan, Aram Salatyan, Armen Orujyan and others: how uncommonly different are all these people, and WOW to the different views they have. But they are all together, in the same room, in Armenia, sitting together unleashing the future of AI — the Armenian Intelligence, that one common thing that combines all of us together, that one thing that has a recorded history of 3500 years, currently spread out all over the world.

So here is the simple mathematical equation we have dear friends:

X = AI (Artificial Intelligence) which is going to take over the world in near future adapting the knowledge of most of the workforce.

Y= AI (Armenian Intelligence) which has creative thinking force, mostly cannot be replaced by X, has the power of teaching X, can lead X

T — 20 years

The employed world population is 3 Billion, Armenians worldwide 11 million, with an assumed employment rate of 60%.

Given all of the above, and taking into account that physical borders don’t matter, what can be the role of Y in given T? Btw, you can add n’importe quel other variable to the equation.

My answer is: we are very close to the “Armenian Dream”. All we need is to start using the AI we have! Oh yes, and through the vector of friendship!

Special thanks to Nathalie, 8 years, who holds patent for the new term — “Armenian Intelligence”, and was a motivation for me to write my first story, and maybe the last one.



Ruzanna Safaryan

Social change seeker | Tech for impact ventures | Tech ecosystem building | Marketing & Innovation strategist