Sailient Strat-Comm
7 min readJan 6, 2018

Throughout history, people have utilized pictures and image to communicate their ideas and feelings. Humans are always trying to improve communications between them and their loved ones, in a way that best fits our lifestyle. Words usually can’t do a picture justice and emoticon is quite recently the following development of imparting, now and then even complex musings or feelings, with basic pictures. Additionally, emoticons can rise above even dialect obstructions. In 2017, Emoji’s save users time throughput their daily lives, as sending a quick picture can effectively convey our feelings, in a suitable way, within a mobile environment.

Remember using Emoticons for the first time on MSN?

The advent of instant messaging, Email, AOL, and MSN fueled by modern computer and internet technology — transformed the way we communicate with each other. Instant communication had a great impact on how much time we spent on the computer “socializing” with friends, families, and loved ones. For the first time, you were able to play games with your friends online while chatting as a group. Instant messaging transformed the way we communicate with each other, but as humans, it still was never quick enough of a way to communicate. Therefore to cut down time, shortcuts continued to be created from regular words, to save precious milliseconds. A new culture inside instant messaging was adopted, and still today, the market has deemed this language as time-saving, and we increasingly see middle aged men and women using MSN slang like, g2g (got to go), brb (be right back), as well as using emoji’s to further express themselves.

Analyzing the social significance:

Instant messenger applications became popular in western culture, and it began to diminish the borders between private life (home) and public life (school) as you were now able to continue the conversation outside of the classroom. What this meant for young people using the instant messenger application was privacy to nourish a relationship and a safe way for you to express yourself. A big way people did this was by sending emoticons especially the “heart” icon, to take the relationship to the next level. The social significance of the simple “heart” emoji revolutionized how we look at love, introducing it to the modern internet landscape, and entering the average consumer’s behaviour. Whether the simple icon simplified or commoditized the romantic element of “love” is a debate for another day, but what really becomes evident is how emoji’s convey sentiment and feelings. The success of emoji’s rely on uniformed social signs that allow readers to make visual associations and interpretations based off of culture, yet these Emoji’s are have crossed international borders and became global wide spread phenomenon.

Emoticons, or Emoji?

Nowadays the world is considered to be the Emoji world. The word emoticon originates from Japanese “E”(絵, “picture”) + “Moji” (文字, “character”). Starting on Japanese cell phones in the late 1990's, emoticon has turned out to be progressively mainstream around the world. Apple initially presented the Emoji console in 2011, Emoji’s have moved toward becoming so standard that you’ll battle to go a day without seeing one. Emoticon is prevalent computerized pictographs that can show up in instant messages and via web-based networking media stages. These images do significant work to underscore tone, present cleverness and give people a fast and proficient approach to bring some shading and identity. Past their cute extravagance, emoticon can go about as an enthusiastic adapting technique and a novel type of inventive articulation, regardless of the possibility that, in the two cases, working inside genuine points of confinement. Emoticon makes new roads for advanced feeling, while likewise remaining at last in the administration of the market.

Relationship building, or conversation killing?

Emoji’s offer the quick and concise communication. They allow us to share a set picture which brings social context to show how we feel, and what is implies in the message. Now, with a couple pictorial depictions, instead of long drawn messages of clarification we can communicate with out loved ones quicker and with greater ease than ever before. Utilizing emoticons in a sentence is presently thought to be a conventional selection of content which helps to sprinkle enthusiasm or sarcasm. Where long passages were utilized to demonstrate an articulation, nowadays emoticons have made it simple to simply represent entire articulations in a couple of emoji. Emoji’s are capitalized because they save humans time, and also bring more tone to the conversation across various social media landscapes.

Spoken language conveyed with passionate or physical prompts, regardless of whether this is voice tone, hand or eye signals, and other visual components. Emoticons close this hole in an innovative and exceptionally visual way and guarantee the author’s’ musings and sentiments are communicated in a succinct and fun way. In actuality, they go about as non-verbal surrogates, telling the pursuer of the message what the outward appearance of the author would be. Emoji’s help in conveying extra meaningful gestures to help comprehension of the message.

When individuals understood that writings cost by the letter, there was a requirement for words to be beheaded. Slang (short dialect) turned out to be more conspicuous than any other time in recent memory. Emojis spared time and cash. Acronyms, shortened forms, and cancellation out of the blue turned into the characteristic method for imparting. The idea of an Emoji isn’t unequivocal. Every articulation or case could be translated in various diverse ways, leaving a beneficiary befuddled or irritated. This is the place you should take mind when utilizing Emojis. Besides, because of the fluctuating cell phones and working frameworks, a few emoticons show in an unexpected way, causing much more problem.

Creating culture:

Dialect is an always advancing marvel and is liable to social, generational and social varieties, so is innovation and how it is utilized. The individuals who have grown up with content dialect, versatile novelties, and computerized mediums are now and again all the more tolerating of changes to the way these work. This shows the complex nature of social media and digital landscape, and features dialect in visual shape, for example, pictographs, logos, and images all in which become language to portray emotions. These navigate cross generations and in addition across culturally diverse boundaries. For the people who have grown up with emoji’s, it’s pervasive nature in our daily lives has been the runway into popular culture: Movies, stuffed animals, toys, Merchandise etc.

In 2017, Hollywood released “Emoji Movie” and it quickly shot up that charts. This was momentous for the once internet famed faced, as it was now embodied and personified on the big screen of western society movie theater and culture. With the emergence of the Emoji Movie, this signified the social significance of internet culture, and how internet culture greatly impacts consumer behaviour, trends, and how we communicate with each other.

“The Emoji Movie” — Released in May 2017

For quite a long time, brands have been pursuing the desired millennial market for their size, impact, developing wages and their voracious hunger for advanced media. However, now, they speak with instant messages and, progressively, with emoticons — single pictures that pass on feeling, for example, a wink, a grin or a heart. Brands are utilizing emoticons to speak with their intended interest group, to penetrate their cell phones, to exhibit that they are over the most recent correspondences patterns, and furthermore to pass on messages in exquisitely straightforward ways. The wealth of data is influencing the fight for client thoughtfulness regarding much more prominent. This is compelling brands to identify with their groups of onlookers with short, genuine and passionate pictures. Increasingly interesting is the fact that Emoji’s are maintaining political correctness. Something as complex and ambiguous as political correctness has been considered by Emoji creators to represent the international audience and to encourage inclusiveness.

Don’t be so two-faced!

The image above underlines the “emoticon dialect” isn’t another dialect, but instead another type of an old technique for correspondence. In this regard, emoticons are in reality a type of sub language, offering clients a way to speak with their own social gatherings in a type of code. Emoticon dialect isn’t just for youthful age however it is innovation acknowledgment and imagination that oversees utilization of emoticons, and in addition, to some degree the many-sided quality of the message. Upon realization, Emoji’s certainly have altered the game, in regards to how we communicate with each other throughout-time-and-space. Alongside every one of these realities, the eventual fate of emoticon is likewise under-thought. Will Emoji’s keep on evolving into VR movements with sound impacts, or will they blur away and be supplanted by something new? It will surely be intriguing to see where dialect goes next, and what the post-Emoji time will resemble.

Blog written and edited by:

Tyler D’Costa
Sailient Strat-Comm
Twitter: @besailient
Insta: @Besailient



Sailient Strat-Comm

We analyse business, branding, marketing and are interested with how humans communicate with each other.