Advertising Today: Digital Ad Growth Fueled By Mobile And Social Identity [Infographic]

By Zachary Reiss-Davis

3 min readMay 12, 2015

The world of advertising is shifting, rapidly, and as an advertiser, you must stay on top of the shifts in order to focus your advertising dollars. In this blog post and infographic, we’ll walk you through the key data trends that will control how you need to balance your advertising budget.

Digital Ad Spend Grows Faster Than Traditional

In 2015, AdAge shows that digital ad spend will continue its rapid growth, at a 16% increase, while the major forms of traditional advertising show either sluggish growth (4% for TV) or actually negative growth for print advertising (-2% for magazines, -4% for newspapers).

Mobile Ad Spend Grows Exponentially

The rapid growth we all see in digital advertising spend is largely created by a massive increase mobile advertising, as consumers spend more and more of their time on their mobile devices. In 2013, mobile advertising spend was only $19 billion, and by 2019, eMarketer predicts it’ll have grown to $196 billion, a 430% increase.

Mobile Becomes a Bigger Part Of Digital Ad Spend

This growth in mobile advertising caused a dramatic shift in how advertisers allocate their digital ad spend. In 2013, only 16% of digital advertising was spent on mobile, according to eMarketer. This year, has increased 2.5x to 40%, and will increase to nearly 60% by 2017.

Apps Consume Mobile Time Spent, Led by Social

When we talk about mobile advertising, and rise of mobile devices, we really mean mobile apps; according to Flurry, 86% of the time people spend on their mobile devices are spent in mobile apps. By far the most popular mobile app is Facebook (with 17% of all time spent on mobile!), and other social apps occupy key places.

Facebook And Twitter Dominate Mobile Ad Spend

As fits their key place in the mobile ecosystem, Facebook and Twitter dominate mobile display ad revenue in eMarketer’s recent study. Facebook’s lead over any other mobile advertising platform continues to accelerate, after exploding in 2014. Twitter is poised to pass Google in mobile ad spend around 2017, despite being a dramatically smaller company. These two companies will comprise 33% of all mobile ad spend on their own by 2017, and LinkedIn, despite being much newer to offering mobile advertising, will experience 35x growth in mobile ad spend between 2013 and 2017. is proud to be a part of this revolution in advertising spend. To see how we’ve helped a larger advertiser take advantage of these changes, check out how our platform helped OMD and McDonald’s run a major video advertising campaign for the world cup.

